Page 25 of Toro

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“There, there, my sparrow, everything will soon be well. The lawyer will come through for you. Don Luis will not destroy your legacy.”

“I know.” Isabella sniffed. “I have faith. It’s just this man…he’s…”

Magdalena smiled and gathered Isabella’s hair into a ponytail, raising it off her neck to cool her down. “He’s a handsome devil, is he not?”

Isabella laughed. “Yes, he is. And he’s good.” She didn’t explain how she knew, but Magdalena would listen either way. “He’s a good man. He doesn’t see me, though. Benedict thinks I’m a child.”

“Hmmm, well, if you’re interested in this man, you must get his attention.”

Her answer surprised Isabella. “Really?”

“You are a strong woman, but your responsibilities are immense. You need a strong man to walk beside you, to help you.” Magdalena dropped her voice. “To hold you tight at night.”

Isabella blushed. “I’m not sure if I can do that, he seems to be blind where I’m concerned.”

“Open his eyes, you can do it, I have faith in you. Now, let’s get this meal on the table so you can get down to some serious…business.”

A laugh burst from Isabella’s lips. “I love you, Magdalena.”

“I love you too, my bambino.”

Over the next few minutes, Magdalena and the other kitchen help moved all the food to the dining room. Isabella supervised, not that she was needed, but they all loved her enough to pretend. Once everything was settled, she took a seat directly across from Benedict Redford. “Please, help yourself. I hope you find our food to be to your taste.”

Bull nodded at the vision before him. “I’m sure it’s wonderful.” He didn’t know a lot about the dishes he was eating, he couldn’t even pronounce their names. All he did know was that he could’ve been eating cardboard, for his attention was completely focused on what was going on under the table.

“Uncle, what bulls are you planning on showing to Mr. Redford?”

Bull jumped as he felt another faint touch to his inner thigh. Was he imagining things? Jerking his head up, his eyes clashed with big brown ones. There was a wicked little light shining in them and the slight smile on her face confirmed his suspicions. Even though Bull was wearing boots, Isabella was playing her own form of footsie. She’d bypassed his feet and gone straight for the goods.

Another nudge, a harder one, an obvious caress that was drawing nearer…nearer…

God, that woman had long legs.

He pinned her with a stare and widened his eyes, trying to tell her without words to knock it off.

The little minx had the audacity to wink at him.

“Well…let me see.” Don Luis’s words were slurring more than before. By now, he’d had eight or more drinks, Bull had lost count. “I think he should see Valiente and Feroz.”

Isabella made a show of considering his words, placing a small finger to the side of her mouth. “Let me think,” she mused, using the pause to slide the sole of her foot seductively between Benedict’s legs. He had no idea that she knew exactly what lay waiting there. Once she found her destination, her…rock-solid destination, she wiggled her toes.

“Hey!” Bull exclaimed. “How about another tortilla?” he added lamely.

“Si, of course,” Isabella handed him a basket covered by a colorful napkin. “Indulge and have some honey.” She passed him a glass container full of the sweet nectar. “Man shouldn’t live by bread alone, he deserves something…” Nudge. Wiggle. “Sweet.”

Bull growled and groaned, causing Don Luis to study him with concern. “Do you have indigestion, Senor?”

Bull glowered at Isabella. “No, I have a pain in the…”

“You know what I think?” Isabella interrupted his explanation. “I think Valiente is an excellent choice. His bloodline dates back to Diablo, a famous bull who battled the matador El Chicorro in Madrid. He weighs in at twenty-two hundred pounds and stands five feet seven inches tall at the shoulder. His scrotum is sixteen inches in diameter. He is a proven breeder and has sired some fine calves with manageable birth weights.”

Bull stared at Isabella with his mouth open.

“Feroz is a good choice also,” Isabella continued. “He is descended from Murcielago who survived twenty-four picador jabs. At last check-in, he outweighed Valiente by fifty pounds, but he is three inches shorter. His scrotum is an impressive seventeen and a half inches. He has already set a record for his stud fees, he would be an asset to your program.”

“Are you finished, Isabella?” Don Luis bit out at her with ferocity. “Memorizing data doesn’t make you a cattlewoman.”

“Neither does merely knowing the back of a bull from its front.” She gave Bull one last erotic stroke to his cock with her nimble little foot, before throwing her napkin down and rising to her feet. “Shall I call Pedro to assist you to your suite, Uncle?”

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