Page 24 of Toro

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“I have a stable of fine animals to choose from, their pedigrees are unmatched. I’m sure we can come to an agreement that will make us both happy. Making a foray into the American market is a goal for Terra Dura.”

He was considering Don Luis’s comment when the clicking of high heels sounded behind him and an intriguing hint of perfume wafted into Bull’s face. Immediately, he steeled himself not to react to Isabella’s nearness. He was just about to suggest to her uncle that they’d do well to conduct their business in private, when her voice cut into his thought process.

“Since spreading the name and reputation of Terra Dura to the states is our aim, why not come to some type of arrangement? Perhaps you would agree to exchange, how do you say, promotion for a discounted price?”

Bull’s eyes widened. Her suggestion surprised him. He liked the sound of it, very much.

Don Luis, however, frowned at her idea. “Please leave the business to the adults, Isabella. Men know best.”

Isabella stiffened. Bull could see a flush darken her cheeks as she pressed her lips tightly together, as if she were forcibly holding back a response.

“Senor Cortez,” he found himself saying, “you would know best, of course, but perhaps you and I could foster a long-term relationship.” He carefully refrained from openly siding with Isabella, he had no wish to alienate the uncle or encourage the niece. “At this point, not many north of the border have heard about you. Other than my neighbor, Esteban, I don’t think I’ve met anyone else familiar with your reputation.”

“Esteban?” Isabella blurted out his name. “Rodrigo Esteban?” Her father’s picador?

Her outburst seemed to shock both men. “Well…yes, that is his full name,” Bull answered, hesitantly.

“Isabella! Please go check on the progress of our meal with Magdalena!”

Bull watched as Isabella narrowed her eyes at her uncle, then whirled to leave. He let out a long breath, determined not to get in the middle of whatever rivalry they had going. Her suggestion, however, had too many possibilities to ignore. “You know, Don Luis, if we could work out some type of partnership, I could promote your brand to every notable rancher in the U.S. I have many contacts in the ranching and rodeo world.”

Don Luis turned his attention back to Bull. During the short time they’d been talking, Bull had consumed one glass of Scotch while Cortez drank three. “Partnership? How would that work?” His face was ruddy and his speech was slurred, but even though they were bloodshot, Bull could see dollar signs in the Mexican’s eyes.

Faced with this unexpected opportunity, Bull’s brain began to buzz with possibilities. “I would spread the word about Terra Dura in any number of ways, from personal recommendations to gaining some sponsorships in your name. In return, you could furnish breeding stock for my business at an affordable price. If things progress, maybe you could even cut me in for a…reasonable percentage.”

Don Luis pursed his lips in thought. “I have not considered such a deal before, I would have to look into it more in-depth.”

“Of course, I expected nothing less. Perhaps, you could come visit me in the states soon and let me show you the ropes and introduce you to some influential people in the American cattle business. I know everybody. I think you’ll find my reputation to be sterling.” Bull hated to blow his own horn, but sometimes that was the only way it would get blown.

Blown. Bam! Just like that, his mind was on sex.

At least he was a typical male. In his head, he could picture himself leaning against a wall with a beautiful dark haired woman at his feet.


No, Isabella.

No, Carmen.

Shit! He shook his head and returned his attention to business.

Seeing Don Luis was downing another Scotch, Bull set his own empty glass down and faced him head on. “Does this sound like something you’d be interested in, Senor?”

“I cannot say yes, I cannot say no. After we inspect the stock tomorrow and see what your needs are, we can discuss the prospect of a partnership further. Agreed?”

Bull nodded. “Agreed.”

…In the kitchen, Isabella fumed. Her uncle’s condescending attitude infuriated her! She was already upset about the charade she was conducting with Benedict. It felt like she was mishandling something important and she didn’t know how to fix it. “I’ll finish the sauce, Magdalena,” Isabella offered, desperate for something to do.

“Okay, little one. Everything else is ready.” The old cook patted Isabella’s arm.

She stirred the chocolaty concoction that would soon be poured over the dessert bars she’d whipped up earlier. “All of this looks wonderful. You did such a good job.”

“You helped. You’re such a good girl.”

Pulling the pot from the stove, Isabella whirled to grab ahold of Magdalena. “Hold me, please. Everything is so messed up.”

The older woman enfolded Isabella to her ample bosom. She’d been the only mother-figure Isabella had known since losing her own mother.

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