Page 26 of Toro

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“Not at all, I am fine.” Don Luis stood, swayed, and grasped the edge of the table for support. “Mr. Benedict, I trust you can find your quarters. I look forward to spending time with you in the morning.”

Bull stood. “Yes, sir. Thank you, sir. I look forward to doing business with you.”

The silence was awkward as Don Luis left the dining table, leaning heavily on his cane.

“He drinks too much,” Isabella said by way of explanation.

Bull threw his napkin on the table. “At least he can blame his ill behavior on alcohol. What was your excuse?”

Isabella threw her hair over her shoulder and moved slowly around the table toward Benedict. “An excuse? You are a man, I am a woman. Is there a better excuse than that?”

Bull backed up as she approached him. “I am a man, but I don’t think you’re quite a woman.”

Holding his gaze, Isabella took a deep breath, arched her back, and thrust her breasts out for him to see. Placing her hands on the feminine mounds, she circled them, caressed them, then lifted them until the nipples were peeking out the top of her dress. “I am a woman, Mr. Redford, a woman who is very attracted to you.” She moved gracefully toward him, but for every step she took forward, he took one step back. As if they were dancing, he didn’t stop until the wall halted his progress and Isabella didn’t stop until she was pressed against him from the tips of her breasts to the tips of her toes. “Kiss me, Mr. Redford. I want to feel your lips against mine.”

Her voice mesmerized him, her scent enflamed him, the heat of her body stole his breath. She seemed so familiar, yet so new. “Isabella, I don’t think…”

“No, please, don’t think.” She clasped his hands and drew them around her waist. “Touch me.”

Bull stood all he could, then he acted. Wrapping his arms around her, he jerked her close and clashed his mouth to hers. Their bodies fused and they melded together in an electric bond of pleasure. His tongue mated with hers and her hands snaked up to clutch at his thick, powerful biceps.

She felt him tense and her response to that reflex was to rub against him, grinding her mound against his pulsing manhood that was thickening with their every breath.

Bull was stunned. He was experiencing a serious case of déjà vu. She pressed against him, thrusting her hips, and clawing at his shoulders like an uninhibited, little wild thing. He’d never been so excited in his life. Not even…

“Dammit! Isabella, stop!”

He pushed her from him. God, he was confused. For a minute there, he could’ve sworn she was Carmen. “I have business with your uncle and I won’t jeopardize it by getting involved with his charge. You need to take your little femme fatale act and head back to the nursery! I want a woman in my bed, not some adolescent girl!”

“You, don’t know what you want!” She poked him in the chest. “You are so blind you cannot see what is right in front of you!” Taking her hand, she skimmed it down his chest until it landed just above the speedbump of his engorged dick. Holding his gaze, she gave him a seductive smile. “I am no adolescent girl, Mr. Redford. I am a woman fully grown and as capable of doing business in the name of Terra Dura as my uncle.”

With that startling announcement, Isabella whirled and left the room, leaving Bull standing there with an open mouth and an aching cock.

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