Page 6 of Alien Bride

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I swung there for a moment, my hair brushing the ground like the torn edges of a broken


I reached out and gently pressed the button to end the livestream.

I looked up at the hand around my ankle. I could see up the length of his body, and for the first time I took a good long look at him.

His entire body was a rock green, with sections that were a darker color of green that had a metallic shine to it. He was humanoid enough from the waist up, his bare abdominals and chest displaying gorgeous lines of carved muscle overlaid with a shiny leathery skin that looked supple and smooth despite the texture of it. Where his waist met where on a human would be legs was his hand.

He had put his hand over his junk, pressing it back against his body.

It didn’t hide everything.

His hand was huge, and I could see the edges of him around the thick muscles that corded his wrist and forearm. The fact that I could see the edges of anything meant that the girth of what he was hiding was… not functional.

There was no way I was fitting that monster inside of me.

He did something with his hand, then reached around me with his free arm to support my weight and gently set me down. I glanced just below his waist. The log was gone. I felt a momentary irrational flash of disappointment at not getting a good look at it, but immediately pushed that feeling to the side with a rush of apprehension.

It was on my livestream.

There was no way that a screenshot of that didn’t get turned into a meme and spread all over the internet.

“I accept your enticement to take my place as your first male,” the monster snake man said.

I snapped my eyes back up to his face.

He was handsome in a strange way, with sharp lines for his cheekbones and a flat nose that had no bridge to it at all. He had a crown of leathery spikes on the top of his head and down his neck - I hadn’t noticed them at all when I was trying and failing to choke him. As I stared at them, they expanded out to the sides like the hood on a cobra, surrounding his face with a sudden flare of iridescent color that shifted as he fluttered them.

It was mesmerizing.

I felt my body relaxing and I closed my eyes for a moment and shook my head, blurting the first thing that came out of my mouth.

“You would not be my first. I’ve been with dozens of guys.” I slapped my hand over my mouth after the words escaped. Why did I say that in response? To him? Why was I even still in this room talking to him? I just attacked him and he got excited by it.

I should have run right out that door.

But for some reason I was still standing here.

“I thought…” For a moment the hood surrounding his face fluttered, almost falling as the color seeped out of it. Then it snapped back up and out and his eyes captured mine with an intense gaze.

“I can fight dozens.” His voice held steel in it. “Though I request that I have rest breaks between fights.”

I needed out.

“I need a minute,” I said.

I snatched my phone off the floor, turned, and fled the room, slamming the door shut behind me. My heart was beating loud in my ears. I tore across the garden that separated the meeting house from the main building. Caley opened the door as I stormed up the stairs, a smile on her face.

“That went well?” she asked, her smile tentative.

“You…” I pushed past her into the house. “Where is your whiskey?”

“I’m not much of a drinker,” Caley said, following after me. “But we do have a stocked mini fridge in case clients want something before their meeting. We were thinking of having a one or two drink limit maybe? What do you think about that?”

“Show me to the booze!” I whirled on her, planting my hands on my hips.

“The plan is after the initial meeting, we separate the couple and have a talk to make sure both parties want to continue. The human waiting room is this way,” she said as she led me down a hallway and into a side room.

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