Page 5 of Alien Bride

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I moved without thinking.

A surge of feral desire rushed through me and I lunged forward over the bipedal piece of furniture. I didn't grab her. Instead, I darted past her, cutting her off as I coiled around her, my scales sliding up against the soft coverings that adorned her body.

Her top covering shifted upwards, and I felt my well groomed scales slip and slide against the tender skin of her belly.

I stopped, the touch of her skin against mine immediately snapping me out of my predatory fixation. Her face was flushed. Her breath was rapid and her eyes were wide as she stared up at me from the midst of my coils.

This was too much.

I shouldn’t be touching her, not without her permission.

I relaxed my grip so that my skin no longer pressed against hers.

Then she touched me.

The moment there was enough space she shoved her foot in between my coils, her little claws digging into my scales, the slight pressure of them sending tingles of pleasure along my spine. She launched her way upwards, climbing up me, her foot catching against my satchel. I put my hand under her foot, supporting her as she scrambled up my back. I carefully flattened my display fringe down against my skin so that it was smooth, making sure the spiked edges wouldn’t catch her skin or hurt her. She was so soft. I was so distracted by the surprising delight that her touch caused in my body that I didn't fully register what her intentions were until her knees pressed into my sides and her arm wrapped around my jugular from the back, the hand wedging into the elbow on her other arm. Her free hand went to the back of my neck, pushing it forward.

She had created a lever with her arms so that she could exhort greater pressure on my neck.

She grunted, squeezing, pressing the sides of my hood down.

I felt my two members slip free from my mating pocket, my body responding to her aggressive flirtation. I never thought that our first meeting would go so well.

It was delightful!

I thought I had scared her but no, she had triggered my instincts on purpose to tease me into making the first move and now she was showing me she was ready.

"I thought we were supposed to enter a legally binding mate agreement before actually mating," I rumbled. "Though I am very appreciative of your attention to my cultural practices."

"This isn't... you like this?" she asked, her voice soft against my ear slit.

I turned my head slowly so I could look back over my shoulder at her. Her grip around my neck wasn’t strong enough to prevent me from moving.

"You can see the evidence of how much I do," I replied.

She shifted around me to look down my front. She stilled, her entire body frozen tense as she looked down at the carved lines of my musculature and my prominent mating display.

I could see her face reflected in the small handheld device she had been monologing to, her mouth forming a perfect ‘o’ of shock as her eyes widened.

"Fuck me," she gasped.

[ 4 ]


"Yessss," the giant scary snake man with a neck apparently made out of steel beams said, his voice strangely gentle even as I leaned over his shoulder.

My phone was on the floor, perfectly in line with the length of his humanoid body where it connected to his inhumanly gargantuan tail, where his two... holy shit, there were two... shafts bobbed stiffly in mid air.

The live stream camera was pointed up.

Millions of people had a first hand view of the underside of the two... appendages that now jutted firmly from my monster of an alien fiancé.

I could see myself, beautifully framed in the shot, half slung over his shoulder like a demented primate, the shock on my face morphing to horror as the chat erupted.

"No!" I screamed as I flung myself to the floor. I hadn't thought more than the singular frantic desire to turn the device off. It was only after I was falling that I realized how high off the ground I was, and how I really shouldn't have launched myself head first.

A leathery hand closed around my ankle and I stopped, head one foot from the floor.

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