Page 59 of Alien Bride

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“I’m seeing in the chat that a lot of you absolutely loved my wedding video I put out!” I crooned at the positive commenters, completely ignoring the others who didn’t deserve the full radiance of my attention. “I’m so glad you loved it! This has been such a whirlwind romance for me, it is hard to put into words everything I’m experiencing, especially in a stream like this, but I’m hoping to give you a more detailed taste with more long form, edited, video projects like the wedding video. I know it is sudden for everyone, it was sudden for me, but I’m starting to realize that this might have been the best decision I’ve ever made in my life.”

Those damn tears collected in the corners of my eyes again and I widened them, yet again, to try to keep them from falling. In all my experience as an actress, I could never get the darn things to come in when I wanted them to, and here I was in the space of several days on the edge of turning into an emotional waterfall.

“Oh, I see there are a lot of requests to meet my husband well…” I glanced up to see Aeson emerging from the bushes, a boar slung over his shoulder, its throat slashed open and blood absolutely coating Aeson’s chest and the entirety of one of his arms. “Um…”

The chat absolutely flooded with comments.

All they could see was my face and my face had to be saying a lot in this moment.

“I have returned.” He smiled at me all proud and shit.

“Just so you know I’m livestreaming.” I smiled at him, keeping the camera pointed firmly at me and not at him. “They want to see you.”

I paused, trying to find the words to communicate to him that it wasn’t a good idea without causing another problem with my fan base.

I didn’t have a chance to figure that puzzle out.

Aeson slithered over until he was next to me, setting the bore down on the top of the wall behind us, causing me to angle the video to avoid it being seen, before lowering down so that he was next to me, blood and all.

“Hello,” he said, talking into the translation app on his wristband. “I am Aeson. I understand you are all interested in Jessica, and that some of you have been verbally abusive to her.”

He held up his bloody hand.

“It is remarkable how fragile life forms on this planet are.” The smile on his face was devastatingly sinister; all I could do was watch him as he undid all the work I’d done as painting him as a gentle creature in the wedding video. “It takes so little to cause irreparable harm. For example, the wild bovine that just threatened my mate was startling easy to dispatch.”

My chat was absolutely spammed with water splash, panting, and heart emojis.

A few of the comments were asking about hunting permits, but most of them were drowned out by the sea of thirsty emojis.

“Right, so.” I was just saying words, waiting for my brain to kickstart back into functionality after being lost in the same land of the thirsty emojis. The difference between them and me was this alien was here with me, and I was definitely going to get to fuck him. Ideally soon. And not while he was covered in blood. “Anyway, while we’re on the subject of defending ourselves from dangerous animals, which does not require a permit by the way, Aeson, can you tell my viewers why your species is so tough?”

I knew I was fudging a little bit with the defending part, given the fact that Aeson had chased it down, and the fact I was in a country where I didn’t know the exact laws, but the boar had technically struck first, and I didn’t need to deal with any more keyboard warriors.

“The ecological conditions on my species' planet of origin were more severe with extreme fluctuations, and there were multiple mass extinctions through which my ancestors survived,” he spoke to the camera, the translator repeating his words. “By the time we achieve spaceflight and extra planetary colonization, our bodies had evolved to be able to live in a variety of conditions.”

Dozens of questions were popping up on the screen.

Aeson held his wrist unit up a little higher and tapped something.

“Your viewers wish to know about my species mating habits?” he asked me.

“Don’t tell them!” I practically squealed, putting a little extra energy into my react to overdo it for the screen. “That is risking my channel getting demonetized. I already got a warning for the last thing that shall not be mentioned.”

“You do not need to earn money from this.” Aeson lowered his wrist to look at me, ignoring the stream. “You have complete access to all of the earnings I have accumulated throughout my life to impress my mate once she chose me. What is mine has become yours and your planet is considered to be extremely impoverished. We have more than anything you could hope to earn from any Earth job. Please only do work that brings you joy with all your heart.”

I stared at him, my mouth open in shock so long I could feel it start to dry out.

“The question that is repeating the most is a variation, asking about flirtation habits,” he pointed out. “That seems like a good one to answer in this context.”

I shut my mouth and nodded.

“First, if a female has given enough notice to a male for him to feel like he may approach, a male presents himself, showing off what he would bring to the nest, both his accomplishments and his body,” Aeson began. “If she accepts his interest, she decides how many of her existing mates he must battle to prove his physical capabilities. He must battle as many times as she deems satisfactory. If she accepts him, by doing the action that you did to me when we first met, then all of the resources that he has accumulated joins with the nest, under his mate’s primary direction.”

“Is that really how you guys flirt?” I asked, the question blurting out. “You just fight and flash cash?”

“A female will often also ask a male to prove his intimate capabilities before she accepts him as well,” Aeson offered.

“So basically you’ve already done all the things you think necessary to woo me.” I immediately realized my mistake after the words slipped free and the chat exploded. This time I didn’t look at it. I focused on Aeson.

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