Page 60 of Alien Bride

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“Not at all.” Aeson reached out, and when I didn’t move away, he gently tucked a strand of hair behind my ear, electricity sizzling where his skin brushed mine. “Right now I am wooing you by demonstrating I am a capable travel partner who can keep you safe and aid in your positive experiences. I am planning on escalating physical touch over the course of our trip depending on your reactions, as humans require non-romantic physical intimacy as much as my species. I also have a surprised for when we go back to the honeymoon base. I have created something… extra.”

His eyes held mine and I could feel the supernova sparking into life between my legs, a slow, low heat that promised to build, reaching up towards my heart with a radiant touch.

I tore my eyes away from him and back to the livestream.

“Okay, Soul Fam, I think I need to spend a little more time in the present moment and a little less time with you, so sorry not sorry.” My words were a little breathless. “Like and subscribe if you want to be the first to know about my upcoming project and the small moments of adventures that I am so blessed to experience, otherwise, love and light to all of you.”

I shut down the stream.

“Let’s go see if Maria knows what to do with that boar.” I smiled, gripping my upper arm with my other hand as I felt suddenly, and strangely, bashful. “And maybe if there is a way I can help you wash up. I think there was a hose outside, and I can see about getting some soap.”

“You wish to wash me?” he asked.

I nodded without answering and headed down the trail.

I wanted to touch him, to feel the intimate lines of his body, to get to know him inside and out. Who was this male who had come into my life? How had doing a promotion for my friend’s new business turned into me feeling like my heart had never truly known what it was like to have another person genuinely want me?

Aeson wasn’t just here for a marriage of convenience.

He was giving me his life.

He had come into this, ready to hand everything he had ever earned over to me to support my dreams and to make a life together. He hadn’t asked me for anything, not even the sex he so awkwardly demanded when we met. All he had done was take care of me and help me find my way to a better health, even when it wasn’t a particularly pleasant thing to do.

He was thoughtful, giving me gifts that were genuinely useful.

He was kind, rerouting all his previous plans to focus on what was best for my health.

He was more than I had ever thought I could possibly find in a husband. Every single person I had dated up until this point was reserved, held back, portioning out their affection in relation to what I was willing to give, making the relationship something that was doled out in doses balanced on a scale. I had no thought that a creature like him could exist, and yet here he was.

And the twisting feeling wrapping around my heart was something entirely new.

Something I hadn’t realized I’d been missing until I’d started to feel it.

[ 24 ]


My mate was sleeping in my coils.

The human bed at the castle bed and breakfast was too small for me and I had curled up around the bed. Laying on the bed next to my mate with just my upper body was an uncomfortable position, so instead I had coiled up.

My mate had watched me for a moment before asking if she could join me.

She didn’t just join me; she sprawled across me.

She rolled across me, stretching her limbs as I shifted underneath her. She wiggled until she was lined up next to my upper body, then she had wrapped her arms around my waist and was now making a small repeated rumbling sound with her nose, her cheek pressed against my abdomen. There was a small bit of liquid dribbling out the corner of her open mouth.

It would be a while before I could fall asleep.

The atmospheric pressure had brought the nerve sensitivity back to the surface of my skin, and I could feel every shift of her body against mine. Focusing on her touch was mesmerizing, like basking in the sunshine and feeling the rays of it soaking into my body. My mate was special, but it wasn’t just her that was entrancing me.

There was so much beauty on this planet. The stability of its weather patterns, the thriving diversity of its plants and animals, even the taste of the boar that had been added to the dinner’s meal. Our hosts had cooked a portion of it, and then after repeatedly making sure I didn’t need more food, they had rubbed salt all over the legs and then hung them from the ceiling. They had another one that had been hanging almost a full cycle of the sun. They called it dry curing, where the meat aged in the open air, perfected by the changing of the seasons.

Just the fact that they had reliable seasons where they could learn how to process specific foods based on the weather was a delight. To have the gift to evolve with such stability was why they were so soft and delicate.

Their world has been a garden to their species.

There was so much to learn about these humans, so much to learn about the soft, nose growling, mouth dribbling little mate snuggled into my coils whose shifts and sighs brought flutters of pleasure to my heart.

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