Page 58 of Alien Bride

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“You’re giving me a piece of space jewelry that…” I trailed off, feeling suddenly vulnerable.

“It will protect you from choking or compression,” he replied. “As well as from most forms of kinetic weapons that exist on this planet.”

“Magic armor,” I replied, blinking rapidly as tears filled my eyes.

“It is technology, not magic,” he said gently.

“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic,” I quoted. “It’s space magic.”

“Space magic.” He smiled.

“Help me put it on.” I turned around, putting the necklace against my collarbones as I draped the two ends over my shoulders. They slithered around my neck, clicking together behind me with a distinct clack, causing me to immediately want to know the answer to my next question. “How do I take it off?”

“There is a release compression under the middle panel that only you can trigger.” He pointed at the bulkier section of the necklace.

“Well, so much for the getting to lightly brush my neck while you put a gorgeous piece of jewelry on me moment I was hoping for,” I sighed and immediately headed down the trail. There were small pieces of stonework around us, covered in a lush climbing vine. There was one taller wall section ahead that would be perfect for some shots for my social media channels.

A wild boar emerged from the foliage up ahead.

It was as tall as my chest, an absolute unit, and its tusks gleamed as it let out a high pitched squeal. I had a heartbeat of a moment of pure shock, my body tensing, and in that moment of hesitation, Aeson was suddenly around me. He spiraled around me, his skin caressing mine as he wrapped me up in his body, lifting me slightly off the ground and blocking my view of the boar.

I heard another squeal and a crashing sound.

“It has fled after it hit me.” He slowly unwrapped, spinning me in a gentle circle until my feet rested back on the ground. I reached my hand out as he moved, feeling the play of his body against my palm.

“Are you okay?” I gasped, inspecting him for damage. From what little I knew, boars were dangerous and generally aggressive when startled.

“It was unable to harm me,” he replied.

“I wonder if our host is going to wait until the one she has in the basement gets that big before they slaughter it.” I left my hand resting on his tail. He hadn’t touched me since we left the moon, and leaving my hand resting on him felt like stepping back into the sunshine. I loved the feel of him, the way his skin was soft, yet textured, incredibly hard and durable but somehow sensitive when he held me.

“Do you think she will want that one?” He turned his head to look in the direction it had run.

“Yeah, probably.” I shrugged.

“Stay here,” he replied. “I will retrieve it.”

With a surge of his tail, he lowered his upper body and darted off into the bushes, moving at a speed far beyond how he traveled when keeping pace with me. I frowned. He’d been slowing down to move at my speed and never even mentioned it.

I let that moment of discomfort at yet again not noticing something about my new husband fade away as I walked over to the ivy covered wall.

I flipped open the livestream app and started a stream.

“Heeeeeeey, Soul Fam!” I crooned, seeing the numbers immediately spin upwards. My immediate viewer count was increasing way faster than normal. Normally I left a ‘streaming soon’ page up to gather viewers before I started talking, but it looked like I didn’t have to do that anymore. People were hungry to hear from me, and it showed in the numbers. “I’m back on Earth! It has been an absolute wild ride with my new alien husband and a lot has happened. I can’t wait to tell you all about a huge project I have coming down the pipeline, so remember to like and subscribe so you can be the first to hear the details when they drop. Right now, we’re traveling to cool spots all over the world so that my hubby can get a good taste of the beautiful cultures that our gorgeous planet has produced. Now, make sure to take a minute to vote on where you want to see us go. I can’t promise we’ll go there, I’m looking at you voters who wanted us to go to Chernobyl, but I will deeeeeeeeefinitely take your votes into consideration.”

As I talked, my eyes skimmed over the comments, absorbing them while trying to not let them distract me.

There was still a lot of hate, carefully disguised so that my auto moderator didn’t immediately ban them from the channel, but I could still see it. It wasn’t hard to notice large chunks of thumbs downs in the chat, but at the same time, these people were still watching my channel. It amazed me how people could spend so much time paying attention to someone they claimed to hate.

While reading the comments, I felt my normal numb sense of unease at the negative ones, but there was something missing.

I felt like I could breathe deeply.

I hadn’t taken my old meds in days now and I didn’t feel that sensation that my ribs were being weighed down by rocks made out of words, like I couldn’t get enough air in. It wasn’t pleasant to read them, but they weren’t spiking my anxiety.

Plus, there were a lot more positive comments than the last time.

So many people were coming out of the woodwork to support me. There was an entire contingent of people who labeled themselves ‘monster fuckers’ of all things that were being very active in my chat channel. I had no idea where they even came from, but they were here now. Their positive comments were overwhelming the bad ones.

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