Page 53 of Little Fox

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“So what do we do about our little locals problem?” Poe asked.

Grim clenched his fists. “I will murder the next one who crosses our property line.”

I pinched my brow, exhaustion setting in. “We need to find out more from Bailey. And I think Raine knows more than he’s letting on.” The fact that Raine Wickford might know more about Bailey than we did irked me to no end. But I was trying to give him a chance. We were all bound to this house, so it only made sense to try and live together peacefully. Especially after tonight.

Sharing our little fox with him was more than just sex. It was an invitation to be a part of this family. I only hoped he didn’t fuck it up. Or we might lose our little fox in the process.

Poe nodded. “I agree. And until we figure out who’s fucking with her, Bailey stays put. We can’t protect her out there.”

Grim snickered. “Good luck with that.”

“Let’s all get some sleep and figure it out in the morning.”

Raine sauntered in, humming to himself. “She’s out for the night. It took all I had not to fuck her while she slept. She looked so soft and fragile. I’d love to see the look on her face when she wakes up to my cock buried deep inside her. Mmm… next time.”

I rolled my eyes at him. “You really are fucking psycho.”

He grinned as he hoisted himself onto the kitchen counter. “And insatiable. A delicious combination.”

I knew he wasn’t even joking. He would actually fuck her while she slept. A part of me wondered if that was yet another thing that would turn her on. Or maybe it was just him. Everything Raine did to her seemed to be what she wanted.

“Well, don’t come running to us if she snaps your dick off,” Grim spat.

Raine laughed. “Keep talking like that and I’ll run up there right now just to prove you wrong.”

“Okay enough. What do you know that we don’t?” I asked him point blank.

He dipped his finger into a jar of peanut butter and sucked it off. “Many things, Saint. But they aren’t my secrets to tell.”

Fucking hell with this guy. “Fine. We’ll ask Bailey tomorrow.”

He arched an eyebrow at me. “She can’t tell you things she doesn’t remember. And she won’t tell you things that are going to make you insist she stays locked up in this house.”

Grim threw up his hands. “Enough with the fucking riddles already.”

“I will say this…” Raine licked his fingers. “Pain is only temporary. Once she fully embraces that, no one will be able to hurt her ever again.”

We fell silent as his words seemed to hang in the air like a bad omen. The more I tried to figure it all out, the more confused it made me.


There were many things I needed to face. I had been running from trauma my whole life, burying it deep. It was a lot to process but it was time for me to come to terms with everything. Last night was an awakening. My life had become a battle of two extremes—feeling powerless outside of this house and feeling invincible inside it.

I was done with accepting things happening to me, and ready to take charge of my own life. I clasped the keys in my hand, remembering the weight of them. The door they unlock presents more mystery to what lies on the other side. But I have to embrace it. My parents would want me to.

I threw some clothes into my overnight bag, sent off a quick text to Maureen, and raced downstairs. Tonight, I was determined to have a fun night with my best friend and hopefully figure out what to do about Billy and his friends. It was one thing to harass me on the street, but throwing a brick into the window of my home was crossing a line. And the dread sitting in the pit of my stomach told me it was only going to get worse.

As I stomped into the kitchen, I ran smack into a wall of solid muscle. Saint. He towered over me, his eyes narrowing on the bag slung over my shoulder. “Going somewhere, little fox?”

I looked past him to see Poe, Grim, and Raine crowded around the breakfast table, their mouths full of pancakes and bacon. Their forks all seemed to clank down at the same time.

I let out a deep sigh. “I’m heading up to my old place. Maureen and I are having another girls’ night.” I held up my phone as if a text from Maureen solidified it.

Poe’s face sank. “Did we upset you last night? I thought you were enjoying it.”

My cheeks burned at the memory of all four of them finger fucking me. At night I came alive but in the light of day, I turned back into that shy girl full of shame. But not today. No. This was about something else.

I shook my head. “Last night was everything. I just need to figure some shit out. And Maureen is leaving soon. I want to spend as much time with my best friend as possible.”

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