Page 9 of Good Girl

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Grim growled in my ear. “Say you belong to us.”

This was it. I had made my decision. I couldn’t escape it. And I didn’t want to. I licked my lips. “I’m yours. God help me, but I belong to you now.”

Saint nodded at Poe. He flashed me a grin as he dipped a finger below my panty line, sliding it down my slick slit. I moaned as he pressed against my nub. “So fucking wet for us. I knew you were a fucking liar. But now you’re going to be a good girl, aren’t you?”

I bit down on my lip as he slid his finger in and out my pussy, slowly. It was agonizing. I nodded. “Yes, I’ll be a good girl.”

Poe drew in a sharp breath. “Go sit on the couch.”

I staggered over to my brown leather cushions and started to sit down when Grim called for me to stop. “Panties off. I want to see that sweet cunt bare against the leather.”

Saint was behind me in seconds. I felt the press of the blade against my thigh, then the pull from it ripping the fabric of my panties wide open and away from me.

“That’s better,” Grim growled.

My legs were shaking. I was completely naked, vulnerable, and exposed for all three of them to see.

And they eyed me like prey, hungrily.

I sat on the couch, perched on the edge, my knees locked together.

Saint came from behind and grabbed my shoulders. “Relax, little fox. Lean all the way back.”

Oh god, I really was giving up control now. I didn’t resist as he pulled my shoulders into the cushions.

Grim and Poe retook their positions on either side of me.

“Open up, little fox. I want to see everything,” Poe murmured.

I spread my legs apart just as Saint’s hands slid down my chest and cupped my breasts. I gasped as he pinched both my nipples between his fingers, rubbing them back and forth. I could feel the heat flooding me, the intensity of his grip driving my body to near convulsions.

“That’s our good girl. So naughty. You’re our dirty girl, too, aren’t you?” Grim asked.

I licked my lips, my throat dry. “Um… I-I don’t know,” I squeaked out.

Grim dragged his tongue across my jaw. “Yes, you do. You’re so fucking filthy. So beautifully dirty. Say it.”

My nipples swelled as Saint pinched and rolled them tight between his fingers. It was getting harder to concentrate on what stimulation was coming from where.

Grim jerked my chin and kissed me hard. “I asked you a question, little fox.”

“Yes… I’m a dirty girl,” I panted.

Grim snickered. “You know what happens to dirty girls, Bailey? Hmm?… Dirty. Fucking. Things.”

Poe locked eyes with Grim, a sinister smirk flashed on both their faces. “Open her up for me.”

I had never been with more than one man at the same time.

He was right. It was dirty. But I didn’t want it to stop.

I drew in a sharp breath as Grim pulled back the lips of my pussy. “Uhh,” I whimpered.

Poe teased my entrance with his long fingers and without warning, shoved one inside.

“Fuck yeah, little fox. You’re so wet for us. So ready.”

I gasped as Saint pinched my nipples harder. Grim stroked the outside of my pussy, pressing his thumb on my swollen nub as Poe pushed his finger deeper inside me. I couldn’t breathe.
