Page 10 of Good Girl

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Ripples of ecstasy hit me, wave after wave as I struggled to remain in control of my body. I was going to cum faster than I’d even thought possible. Grim stretched me wider apart as Poe inserted a second finger. I clenched my walls around him and screamed from the pleasure.

“It’s too much,” I panted.

“Shh, relax. You’re doing so fucking good.” He pumped his fingers in and out.

I arched my hips, rolling against his hand. “Fuck, that feels… amazing.”

Grim rubbed the outside of my pussy, gliding his fingers through my slick folds. “This is just the beginning, little fox.”

Without warning, Saint released my breasts. Grim spun me sideways so I was laying across the couch in his lap, my back against his chest. His cock stiffened and pulsed against my ass.

Poe hovered over me; the length of his torso wedged between my thighs. This was fucking insane and exhilarating. He kissed my belly, dragging the tip of his tongue down my wet slit. His tongue was soft and hot and firm.

Saint came around the side, a rope dangling in his hands. He grabbed my wrists. I panted as he held them over my head and fastened the rope tight around them. He tied the other end of the rope to a leg of the couch.

I couldn’t move. And it fucking drove me wild. This was truly giving up control. I was at their mercy.

Grim drew light circles around my nipples with his fingertips. “Such a good fucking girl. About to burst so we can all taste that sweet cum of yours.”

“Oh shit,” I rasped.

Poe worked my pussy with his tongue, licking and sucking and scraping his teeth gently across my folds. I bucked wildly, flailing as the overstimulation pushed me to the edge.

Saint kneeled down beside me. “Arch her up.”

With his tongue buried deep inside me, Poe lifted my hips, making a space for Saint to wedge his hand between me and Grim. Grim squeezed my breasts while Saint yanked Grim’s pants down and fisted his cock.

“Fuck, Saint, that’s right,” Grim moaned. Saint guided Grim’s shaft up and down the line of my ass, sandwiching it between my needy flesh. Poe sucked my clit harder. I clenched around him, feeling every single pulse and flick.

I cried out as my orgasm began to climb inside me. Grim squeezed my nipples tight as he sucked on my earlobe. Saint pushed down on my abdomen with one hand while he rubbed my ass raw with Grim’s huge stiff cock in his other hand.

“Little fox…” Saint breathed. He pressed down on my belly. “You have no idea how dirty I’m going to get you.”

I moaned as the pressure built. They were right. I could never have dreamt this up. This was unfathomable. I was over stimulated.

With Grim’s smooth shaft wedged between my ass, sliding up and down, seeking entrance. Poe’s tongue devouring me like I was a bowl of his favorite ice cream. And Saint. The one who barely speaks, orchestrating it all. He was barely touching me, but I was most aroused by him.

“Oh fuck, I’m…com…coming.” I screamed and arched my back, ignoring the burns around my wrists as I pulled on my restraints.

The three of them nestled in close, not letting up as all the blood in my body rushed to my head. Stars studded my vision as I moaned out the longest and most satisfying orgasm I’d ever had.


They stroked me as I came down.

“Breathe, little fox. Don’t want to wear you out just yet,” Poe cooed.

Grim adjusted himself underneath me, while Saint untied me and pushed me back up to a sitting position.

“We have so much more planned for you,” Saint rasped.

I was so dizzy I almost blacked out. It was better than my fantasy. And I knew that the night was just beginning. This sent a tingling sensation back to my middle, as I still rode out the wave of my orgasm. I wanted more.

Poe cupped my face and pulled my face to his. “I want you to taste yourself on my tongue.” He kissed me without warning, and I melted into him. Tasting myself was so naughty. So fucking dirty. I nearly came again.

Grim rubbed my back as Poe explored my mouth, his kisses deepening with every whimper I let out. When he finally broke away, he stole my breath with him. I felt like I was on fire.

“Tell us, little fox,” Grim urged, “Why are you afraid of your own pleasure? Hmm?” His hands were tangled in my hair. He stroked the back of my neck. It was soothing and stimulating at the same time.
