Page 8 of Good Girl

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“Excuse me? I have to pee. I’m not doing that with the door open.” I could feel my cheeks heating.

Saint twisted his fingers around my wrists. “Liar. You and I both know what you are going in there to do. But if you want to make yourself cum, you’ll have to do it in front of us.”

Fuck. Of course, they knew. No matter how much my mouth protested, my body gave them every ounce of proof they needed to know I was aching for release.

“Or do one better, and let us make you cum,” Poe chimed in as he approached, admiring Saint’s grip on me.

Grim joined us now too. I was surrounded, pinned against my own hallway wall. By all three of them. Trapped, with Grim’s cum still all over me. And I was disgustingly, ridiculously, viciously aroused.

“Please, just let me go,” I murmured. Please don’t.

Grim stroked my cheek. “You belong to us, little fox. Time to accept it.”

Poe nodded. “There’s no shame in wanting this. Let us show you.”

“Say yes.” Saint pleaded.

My head spun. My heart hammered. Every inch of my body was on fire with lust. Every nerve ending erect and aware of their effect on me. I was wetter than rain, my nipples ached, my clit throbbed in anticipation. This is what I’d fantasized about. It was finally happening.

So why was I so afraid to give in?

Grim lifted my shirt, exposing my belly while Poe traced the edges of my panties, taunting me. “Let us inside, little fox. I want to feel that tight little cunt clench around my fingers.”

Grim placed his hand on the small of my back, tracing small circles over the base of my spine. “Spread your legs, little fox. Open up,” he rasped.

Saint lowered his lips to mine, stopping just short of kissing me. “Submit… Say. Yes.”

A blast of sensations hit me at once. Heat spread between my legs. Sweat dripped from every crevice. I panted at the stimulation of all three of them surrounding me, teasing me, begging me to give in.

“Fuck…I-I just…” The scent of their sweat mixed with night and musk and desire was overwhelming. It was seductive and every inch of my skin was raw. Tingling. Every nerve twitched at the thought of giving up control to them.

Poe pulled at the edges of my panties a little firmer but still holding back. “You’re so close to the edge, little fox… time to jump.”

My chest heaved. I couldn’t take it anymore. I took deep breaths, locking eyes with each of them as I did. The tension in the room grew thick as they waited. As they watched my chest rise and fall. As they watched my lips tremble.

I swallowed and willed moisture back into my mouth, but all I could muster was a throaty whisper, “Yes…”

A collective swoosh of air peeled back as all three of them pressed in closer to me. Poe slipped a finger inside my panties, stilling it right above my swollen clit. “Good girl.”

Grim cupped my ass and gave it a hard pinch. “You belong to us now, little fox. Every single piece of your flesh belongs to us.”

Saint wrapped his hand around my throat, and I flinched slightly. Was I really ready for this?

He held firm. “You’re no longer in control, Bailey. We’re going to do whatever we want with you.”

I couldn’t catch my breath. “What-what are you going to do?”

“Shh… Let’s get you more comfortable,” Poe hushed in my ear.

Saint reached into his back pocket and pulled out a switchblade. He grabbed the hem of my shirt and cut into it, dragging the blade up in short little jerks as it tore through the fabric. I leaned back against the wall as Grim and Poe each held one of my wrists over my head.

Saint split my shirt wide open, the air hit my nipples and I gasped.

“So fucking beautiful…” He traced the tip of the blade delicately across my collarbone.

He tipped my chin up with the blade. “Say it.”

I looked back and forth between the three of them, confused.
