Page 23 of Good Girl

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I sighed and texted her back.

Hey Maureen, sorry I didn’t respond. I took a sleeping pill and passed out. No need to worry. Hope you had fun at the party.

The typing bubbles appeared immediately.

Oh, thank god! After what happened at Wickford, and then not hearing from you, I thought you actually got kidnapped by ghosts! Meet for coffee later?

If only she knew.

I sent back a quick reply.

Haha. No such thing as ghosts, Maureen. Yeah, let’s meet up this afternoon. I need to run a few errands in town anyway.

I was pretty sure the whole town, including my well-meaning friend, will think I’m nuts when they find out I’m buying a condemned and supposedly haunted house. I was dreading even having the conversation. But I know in my heart that this is what I want. It’s the first time in my life that I’ve known exactly what I wanted.

Two weeks later

My attorney, Evelyn, pushed her glasses higher up her nose. “Okay, Miss Bishop, just sign here and the house is yours. It took a bit of convincing, but the city decided that it was in their best interest to make money off of the house rather than spend money tearing it down.”

I nodded and picked up a pen, my hand trembling. This was it. Wickford was mine. Poe, Grim, and Saint were mine.

Evelyn scooped up the paperwork and stuck it in a file. “I’ll finalize everything today and get the ball rolling for the reconstruction. It will not be easy, but by this time next year, you should be living in your new home.”

The sound of that sent a warm ripple through my body. “Thank you, Evelyn. I appreciate all you’ve done for me since my parents died.”

She smiled curtly. “Of course.”

I couldn’t get out of her office fast enough. I dashed to my car and headed directly to Wickford place.

I skidded into the driveway just as workers were removing the caution tape. A sold sign already sat in the front yard. I jumped out of the car and raced across the porch into the house. Pausing on the first floor, I looked around. It was just as cold and barren as it was two weeks ago. But I wasn’t afraid anymore. It was already feeling like mine.

I barreled up the stairs to the second floor and down the hallway to the room my guys were locked in. The door was still broken from me losing my footing and crashing into it.

I crept inside. “Poe? Grim? Saint? Are you still here?”

The wind rustled one of the boards that were coming loose across the window. A crow squawked on the ledge. I hugged my arms to my chest as I stood in the dark room. Waiting.

My heart sank. It was so quiet. So empty. What if I had dreamed the whole thing up? Or what if they had finally passed over to the other side?

I choked back a sob and called out for them again. “I’m here. Like I promised.”

The floorboards creaked behind me. Strong arms snaked around my waist. I breathed a sigh of relief as his scent enveloped me.

“Welcome home, little fox,” Saint rasped.

I spun around and threw my arms around his neck. Behind him, Poe, and Grim stood smiling. “I thought maybe I had hallucinated all three of you.” I held out my arms for them to come over. I hugged Poe and Grim tight to my chest. “I’m so happy to see you.”

Poe brushed a strand of hair off my forehead. “We knew you’d come, little fox.”

“Now we can always be together,” Grim murmured.

I nodded. “The construction will take a while, but I don’t care. I’m not leaving you again. I’ll sleep on the broken floor with you.”

Saint grinned. A rare expression from him. “Luckily, it won’t come to that. There’s a basement, Bailey. It was untouched by the fire. We have already prepared it for you.”

Grim beamed. “It’s our gift to you. You’ll be comfortable there until the rest of the house is ready.”

My heart wanted to burst. I was beyond happy for the first time in my life. Some people are lucky if they find love once in a lifetime. I have found it three times over.
