Page 22 of Good Girl

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If I had neighbors, they would have called the cops. That is how fucking loud I screamed. And it was the most satisfying scream of my entire life.

The four of us leaned into each other, our chests heaving, bodies glistening with sweat. We held each other up. Gave each other breath.

I hugged them tight to me.

I knew one thing for sure… I was never letting them go.

There was only an hour left till dawn. Halloween would be over, and they would have to return to Wickford. And I would have to act fast to buy it before the city tears it down. My friends would think I’m crazy, but I didn’t care. They would never understand. While they were preoccupied with jello shots and toilet papering houses, I was here with Saint, Grim, and Poe, being reborn. Having the best night of my life.

They stood near my front door, waiting to say goodbye. I looked the three of them over with a fresh gaze. When they first arrived, I’d thought them monsters. Now they were my saviors. They had dragged me kicking and screaming from my old life and awakened the darkest pleasures within me.

Dusk was almost fading away. The sun would rise soon and so they had to go. Poe clasped the back of my neck and pressed his forehead to mine. “Little fox… Fuck. What a surprise you were.”

I brushed my lips to his. He kissed me with a fire that sent shivers up my spine. His soft tongue gently twirled around mine. I clung to him in desperation, fisting my hands in his hair. “I will see you soon,” I murmured.

Grim pulled me out of Poe’s arms and into his. He gazed down at me with those piercing blue eyes that I was once afraid of. Eyes that rooted me in place and commanded my body to do things not even my wildest fantasies could dream up.

He stroked my hair. “In case… something goes wrong… just know that I’ll never forget you.”

I shook my head. “Nothing will go wrong. I will see you soon. I promise.”

He bent down and placed a soft kiss on my lips. “Whatever you say, little fox.”

I almost crumbled at Saint’s feet. His lips were pursed, his expression unreadable. But his eyes… were full of sadness and longing. I stood in front of him, unsure of how I was going to part from him. From any of them.

Saint yanked my hips to his. My nipples pebbled at the feel of his chiseled chest pressed up against mine. There would never come a day when I didn’t want him. He kissed my neck, my jaw, then finally my lips.

“You’re such a good girl, Bailey. The world has no idea. Thank you for trusting us. Remember us. Remember this night. And know that you can do anything you want. Anything you set your mind to.”

Tears streamed down my cheeks. “You weren’t the only ones locked in a prison. While I may have been able to roam around, I was captive just the same. Thank you for setting me free.”

They circled me and pulled me into a group hug. Our breaths were heavy. I couldn’t discern whose heart was beating louder. We were like one symbiotic unit. I felt like I was losing a part of myself right now.

Some believe in love at first sight. Others believe that lust can be confused with love. I don’t know what the clinical definition of love is. I just know that it’s messy and imperfect and life changing. There are no rules on who one should love or how long it should take to fall. Love is intangible. It cannot be grasped with human hands or even understood with rational thought.

Would I call what we did love? I don’t know. It was something like love. It was definitely lust and desire and passion. Isn’t that how love starts? Looking at the three of them lingering in the doorway, still smelling their mingled scents on my skin, something did stir and ache in my heart. Call it longing or pheromones or even foolish fantasy, it doesn’t matter what it is. It makes me feel alive. That’s all that matters. And I will not let it go. I won’t let them go.

“I will call my attorney. She can get the funds from my trust in order and make an offer on the house today. Once the deed is mine, I’ll make plans to renovate. To make it a home again. And then we can all be together… for as long as you want me.” I sniffled and wiped the remaining tears off my cheeks.

Poe flashed me a grin. “Ok, little fox. See you soon.”

Grim nodded. “Till we meet again.”

This felt like goodbye. No. I would make this work. It had to work. I couldn’t lose them. Before new tears threatened to fall again, Saint pulled me in for one last hug.

“We will wait for you, Bailey. For as long as we can,” he whispered.

I nodded, choking back a sob. Poe opened my front door, and as each one of them stepped through it, a piece of my heart went with them. Saint paused and looked back one more time. He winked and then closed the door behind him.

Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted the duffel bag they’d come in with. The bag of toys that we had so devilishly played with. I grabbed it and threw open the door.

“Wait, you forgot—” I sank to my knees. Fuck. They were gone. I scanned the yard, the trees that lined the path leading up to my house. There was no sign of them. If I hadn’t had this bag in my hands, I might even start to think I’d hallucinated the whole thing.

I went back inside and sank down on the couch, the bag in my lap. I clung to it as the one last piece I had of them. My house was eerily quiet. I used to love that. Not anymore. It was just a cruel reminder that I was alone.

A buzzing noise came from my bedroom. Fuck, my phone. I hadn’t touched it in over twenty-four hours. I darted into my bedroom and retrieved it from the bedside table.

Ten missed calls and twenty-five texts. All from Maureen. Shit. I scanned through the messages. Most of them were drunken commands to get my ass to the party. The last five were more of the—where are you bitch; I’m worried about you—variety.
