Page 24 of Good Girl

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I stepped back and admired them, taking my time to really study each and every inch.

The three of them exchanged a mischievous look and it sent a flutter to my belly.

“Are you ready to see what we have in store for you downstairs, little fox?” Poe asked.

“Yes.” My arousal was growing by the second. “Fuck, yes, please,” I breathed.

Saint curled his arm around my waist. “Good girl.”

One year later

“Good morning, little fox.” Poe nestled his face in my neck.

I yawned and stretched out my arms. “It’s going to be a great morning.”

Grim reached across Saint to squeeze my thigh. “Happy anniversary, love.”

Saint pulled me onto his chest. “Come here, little fox. It’s time for us to give you your gift.”

Heat spread between my thighs. “But you’ve already given me so much,” I rasped.

Wickford place was restored to its original glory ahead of schedule. For the last six months, the three of us have been enjoying the fruits of our labor. We do everything together.

From dancing in the kitchen to having dinner in the garden and defiling each other in every single room. Now, as we lay here in our king-size bed amidst the black satin sheets, tangled up in each other’s arms, in our bedroom, I can’t help but think back to the night we first met.

“Seems like we’ve known each other longer, doesn’t it?” I asked as Grim’s hand traveled farther up my thigh.

Poe nuzzled my nipple. “That’s because we are connected body and soul. Now, stop talking,” he teased. “There are better uses for that mouth of yours.”

I let out a moan as Grim slipped a finger inside my wet pussy.

Saint twisted me onto my side and pulled me toward him. His hard cock pressed into my ass. “I’m going to fuck you so hard, little fox.” He kissed the back of my neck, sending a shiver down my spine. “And then… I’m going to give you a good hard spanking for playing so hard to get that night.”

Oh, fuck. I was so wet. “You’re going to punish me for a year ago?” I asked coyly.

“Mmm… yes, little fox,” Saint whispered. “No dirty deed will go unpunished.”

Poe and Grim each grabbed one of my wrists as Saint flipped me over onto my stomach. “Spread your legs nice and wide for me, little fox.”

I whimpered and did as he said. My clit ached as I waited for all the dirty things they were about to do to me.

Saint mounted me from behind. His hard cock pressed at the entrance to my sopping wet pussy. “Such a good girl.”

I cried out as he yanked my hips up and thrusted in hard. “Fuck.”

Grim rubbed his fingers in circles around my tingling clit. I rocked back and forth, desperate to consume what they were both giving me.

Saint fisted his hand in my hair and pulled it tight. “So fucking slick for me.” He pulled out slow and then thrusted back in with a force so hard I bucked forward.

“Fuuck,” I screamed.

Poe let out a growl. “Such a dirty girl.” He pressed a finger into my ass, and I lost it. “That’s it, little fox. Move your hips just like that.”

I ground against them, panting, and twisting as their hands explored every crevice of my body. Saint pummeled into me without restraint, stretching me like a rubber band. I braced my hands against the headboard and pushed back into him, urging him deeper.

Saint dug his fingers into my hips, “Fuck. I’m going to cum.”

And just as Saint exploded inside me, Poe inched his finger deeper into my ass while Grim lowered his head to my middle. My vision blurred and sparked as I felt his warm soft tongue pushing against my nub. He sucked and flicked as the tingling intensified. I cried out as my orgasm gripped me, sending wave after wave of euphoria throughout my entire body.
