Page 100 of The Sexy Enemy

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“Elek invited us earlier today when we met up,” Giorgio says as he greets his sister and then sneers as he shakes my hand.

“Come, sit.” Elek clicks his fingers, and someone is at our table pouring champagne for the Fiorenzo brothers. “I was just toasting to the happy couple,” Elek says, raising his glass toward us. Giorgio and Luca glare as they, too, raise their glasses. Elek shakes his head repeatedly. “Still can’t believe a Conti and a Fiorenzo are married. Your father must be so angry.” He chuckles.

“He wasn’t happy,” I answer through gritted teeth as I take another sip of my champagne.

“That would be an understatement.” Elek smirks. He’s known my father for many years. He understands the level of hatred he has against the Fiorenzo family.

“He was shocked, but he wants what’s best for me,” I reply, remaining neutral as Gio and Luca choke on their drinks at my comment.

“And you think Giuseppe Conti thinks Natalia Fiorenzo is what’s best for you?” Elek questions me. He bursts out laughing as Gio and Luca join him.

Natalia frowns as she stares at her brothers, offended by the comments.

This dinner is not going the way I planned. The deal is still not anywhere closer to a resolution. I don’t get what he is playing at tonight, messing with the two of us like he is. Does he get off on playing the two families against each other? Are we just here to stroke his over-inflated ego? The man is touching young women inappropriately at work, at his own restaurant. No wonder my father and him get on so well they are cut from the same cloth. And the way he leered at Natalia when she came in like she’s a prized object and not a human being, and then he insults her in front of her family and her brothers don’t seem to notice it either. I’ve had enough with this guy. We will get through dinner and then I might send someone else from the company to deal with him because I’m done.

“Natalia is an intelligent, hardworking, and beautiful woman. Why wouldn’t he want someone like that as my wife?” I tell him, trying to keep my temper in check.

“Yes, posing all day for selfies is such hard work, or so my daughter tells me when I ask her what she’s done all day.” He moans, rolling his eyes as he takes a sip of his champagne. “I will say, attending all those charity events, though, can be tiresome.” He chuckles, thinking his comments are funny, as Gio and Luca join him.

Natalia stiffens beside me, and I know she’s ready to rip him apart, but hesitates because she knows that whatever she says could jeopardize not only me—even though I don’t think she cares about hurting my chances in this deal—but she does care about hurting her own family’s chances. Which I don’t think she should care about ruining because her brothers are happy to let her be the butt of this man’s joke. All so they can win against me. I’ve had enough.

“Natalia raises a lot of money for well-deserving people, she makes a difference in the world, whereas I only make my father richer,” I snip.

Gio and Luca still and look between us. Elek’s eyes narrow on me, picking up the irritation in my voice. “Without our money, the ladies couldn’t change the world, it’s all symbiotic, isn’t it?” he says, smiling as if he’s said something profound.

“Natalia doesn’t need my money as a symbolic gesture. I’m pretty sure she’s worth more than me.”

Elek blanches at my comments.

“She’s a Fiorenzo after all,” Gio adds.

Elek clears his throat, not happy with the way this conversation is playing out, and decides to change the subject. “Giorgio, how is the wedding planning going?” he asks.

“Lots of moving parts, but it’s going well, from what I hear,” he answers.

“You could always elope like your sister,” Elek teases.

“Think my mother would kill me.” Giorgio grimaces as he looks over at his sister. I notice Natalia’s cheeks are flushed with embarrassment as she sits there uncomfortably.

“Yes, yes, Italian mothers and their sons.” Elek chuckles. “And, Luca, how is your beautiful wife going with baby number two?”

“We are very excited, as is Leo, he can’t wait to be a big brother,” Luca says proudly.

“Children are a blessing,” Elek says before turning his attention to Natalia and me. “When do you think the two of you will have children?” he asks. Natalia chokes on her champagne and her brothers grimace at his question.

“Not sure, it’s up to my wife, but practicing sure is fun.” The table falls silent at my words, and two very pissed-off brothers glare at me as I place my arm around Natalia’s shoulders along her chair, and she stiffens.

Elek bursts out laughing at my comment, completely aware of the tension swirling around the table as if he can’t believe his plan is working. “Your brother-in-law is a hoot,” Elek says.

“Yeah, we had no idea he could be so funny,” Giorgio says through gritted teeth.

“Everything on the menu looks fantastic, Elek. Not sure where to start, I’m starving,” Natalia says, changing the subject.

“I’m surprised you have an appetite, Natalia. You must work hard in the gym to keep your figure the way it is,” Elek adds, eyeing my wife up and down.

I want to rip out his fucking eyeballs, as do her brothers as they stare in disbelief at Elek, not believing he just said that about their sister.

“The things we women have to go through.” She smiles sweetly at the old man before pulling up the menu in front of her. The oversized leather menu is big enough to cover her face from him as she turns and makes faces of disgust at me. I nod, the guy is a dick. Have I truly been blind to this man’s words all these months because of this deal?

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