Page 99 of The Sexy Enemy

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“You’re so fucking perfect,” I tell her.

“And don’t you forget it,” she says, taking my hand as I help her up.

“I need a drink after that,” I say. Linking our fingers together, we walk out of my office and back into the living room, where all our friends stop and look at us.


They all shout and holler and raise their glasses at us. We both flip them off.



“Whatever happens tonight, it’s going to be okay,” Natalia says, trying to reassure me.

But it’s not. Either way, after tonight it’s going to be the end of the bubble we’ve been living in, the borrowed time the two of us have had. A Conti and Fiorenzo were never meant to last.

“Here we go,” I say, stepping out first into the flashing lights. I’m inundated by the paparazzi shouting things at me, and I try to ignore them, but it can be hard some nights, before holding out my hand for my beautiful wife. Natalia looks like a sixty’s bombshell dressed in a black shift dress with a white blouse underneath, her chocolate hair cascades down around her shoulders with a black headband and ruby red lips that already make me want them wrapped around my cock. Natalia reaches out to me and links our arms together, giving the photographers what they want as we pose a couple of times before she pulls us into the restaurant.

“Sometimes it’s easier to give them what they want then they will leave us alone. They will leave everyone alone,” she whispers to me.

“Don’t know how you deal with that, it’s annoying as hell,” I say, holding her closer to me, she just shrugs as the door girl greets us. When we give her our names, the maître d comes over and escorts us to our table, where Elek is already waiting for us.

“Hope we haven’t kept you waiting too long?” I ask, knowing we are ten minutes early.

“No, all good. My meeting finished early so I thought I would have a couple of drinks before you joined me.” He grins as he shakes my hand and kisses Natalia’s cheeks. “Alessandro, your new wife is beautiful, you’re one lucky man,” he says, giving me an elbow nudge as he looks Natalia up and down. I give him a tight smile, and I can see she is doing the same.

“Sit, sit. I’ve asked my staff to bring a bottle of our best champagne to the table to celebrate tonight,” he says.

“Thanks,” I say as I take my seat.

He waves my gratitude away then leans forward as if he’s going to tell us a secret. “I had to see for myself. A Conti and Fiorenzo, married. It’s unbelievable. You two really kept that a secret.” He chuckles, shaking his head as he looks between the two of us.

“Didn’t want our family history to interfere with this deal. A deal I am very interested in finalizing,” I explain to him as I reach out and grab Natalia’s hand and kiss it ever so gently, showing off her ring to him.

Elek raises a brow at the gesture and the ring before he smirks. “Exactly what her brothers said earlier when we spoke,” he adds, looking over at Natalia. She doesn’t react at the mention of her brothers. Did she know? Is she setting me up? Fuck. I drop her hand, thankfully, she was able to recover in time for it to not be suspicious.

“My brothers were surprised by our relationship, too, but they love and support me and my decisions,” Natalia tells him.

Elek grins. “Yes, yes, they said the same thing,” he states as his attention is pulled by one of the young female wait staff walking past, his eyes zeroing in on her ass. “No talk of business tonight, we are here for a celebration. A celebration of love and forever,” Elek says happily.

Thankfully, a woman arrives with the bottle of champagne, breaking up the tension that has settled between Natalia and me.

“Sweetheart, there you are with our champagne, we’ve been dying of thirst sitting here, waiting,” he tells her harshly. The waitress’s cheeks flush bright pink at the owner telling her off. She pops the bottle with a shaky hand and starts pouring us each a glass. When she’s done, Elek pats her on the ass. “Good work,” he says, making her gasp before she scurries away.

Natalia turns to me with a frown on her face, the tension between us quickly forgotten. I give her a subtle nod that I agree with the what the hell is going on face she is giving me.

“Saluti, to the happy couple. Wishing you many happy years,” Elek says, raising his glass high in the air, and we do the same, clinking our glasses together.

We all take a sip.

I see Elek’s face light up and then feel a looming presence behind us.

“So glad you two could make it, now it’s a family celebration.”

I turn and am met with the steely gazes of Giorgio and Luca Fiorenzo.

“What are you doing here?” Natalia asks, sounding surprised as she gets up and hugs her brothers. I’m guessing she didn’t set up this little tête-à-tête then.

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