Page 70 of Coming Home

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“Why does love have to be so scary?” I ask with a sigh.

“If it were easy, everyone would do it. Zane is a good man. I may not have liked you dating a brother when I first found out, but I know he’s a good man and he will treat you right.”

“The house is gorgeous,” I admit.

“He asked your mom for hints on what your dream house was. He doesn’t take this lightly. He knows what kind of commitment this is,” he says.

“I know you are right, but I just let fear take over for a bit there,” I tell him.

“Then go back out there and give him a chance. You might find you like the alone time with your man. Not that I want to know what you guys get up to, but you will love it once you have it,” he says.

“Okay, I will go talk to him,” I say with a long, drawn-out sigh.

He chuckles as we both stand up but, before we can leave the room, we hear a shot ring out. I am frozen in fear.

“Was that?” I ask in horror.

“Fuck,” my dad hisses out before grabbing his gun and running out of the room.

What the fuck happened?

Chapter Twenty


I don’t know how things got so fucked up. One minute everything was amazing, and the next we were arguing and Dani stormed out of the home I had worked so hard to find for us.

I followed her all the way to the club since she seemed to want to get away from me pretty fast.

When I tried to follow her, Robyn stopped me and asked me what happened.

I told her everything, but I barely understood it myself. I don’t know how everything changed so fast.

“She’s scared. She may act tough most of the time, but she never has really let anyone in. The only people she has ever let close to her are Zeke, Olivia, and Katy. Trust me, those three tried like hell to get Dani to break down her walls, and it took a good year before it actually happened in any of the situations. They never gave up though. I always waited for the day that they would give up. I’m so glad they didn’t. My girl is something special. I was glad other people could see that too, and that she would give other people the opportunity to see that,” she says with a sigh.

“I love her. If it’s too soon to move in, or if she doesn’t like the house, then we will wait or pick something else,” I say.

“Oh honey. It’s not the house. Trust me, once she gets a good look at it; she will love it. She is just realising how much she loves you and is worried she could lose you now that everything is getting more serious,” Robyn says.

“I hope you are right. I don’t know what I would do without her,” I admit.

“How touching,” a voice sneers.

I still at the familiar voice and look over to see Lydia with a gun in her hand, pointed right at me.

That’s not the only thing though. Krista, the other club whore who hit on me at a party a few months ago, is there too.

She has my mother with a knife to her throat. Fuck, I don’t know how they came in here and got a hold of my mother without anyone killing them first.

Terror shoots through me thinking of her harming my mother in any way.

“What are you doing here?” I ask, putting my hands up in a surrender motion.

As much as we would love to take these ladies out, we have to make sure that they don’t harm my mother first.

“You should have left her when you had the chance. You are mine, and she took you from me,” Lydia says. Her voice is borderline hysterical.

“Let’s talk this out,” I say calmly.

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