Page 65 of Coming Home

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“That’s perfect for you guys,” Dani says in awe. “Sometimes, I forget you have actual talent,” she says to Zeke with a smirk.

“Fuck you,” he says, but the smile on his face doesn’t leave.

“That almost makes me want to get a tattoo,” she says quietly.

I give her a look. “One day, if you are up for it, I’d like to give you a property tattoo,” I say to her. I don’t know how she will feel about that. Most women aren’t that eager to get a property tattoo.

To my surprise, she smiles. “I would like that. I have seen the women at the Vicious Snakes get property tattoos. They are amazing.”

“Fuck, seriously you wouldn’t mind?” I ask while looking at her in shock.

She shrugs. “No, the Vicious Snakes pretty much have all their women get property tattoos. That way, there’s no doubt who they belong to. A lot of them show them off by wearing tank tops, and the designs represent the man’s club name and say ‘property of’ whomever it is.”

“We haven’t had a lot of Old Ladies to have that kind of rule put in place,” I tell her, but it sounds like a good fucking rule. I wonder if that’s something I can bring up to the brothers.

“It could be something to consider. That way, when they are out shopping and not wearing a property vest, people will still know,” she says.

My cock gets hard thinking about her wearing my name on her body. Fuck, I would have it on her collarbone or back of the shoulder so when she wore tank tops she could show it off; show the world that she belongs to me.

“I can draw one up for you two and, if you like it, I can give it to you when you are ready,” Zeke tells Dani.

She nods her head. “That would be great.”

“Fuck,” I rasp as I take a seat in the chair while Zane gets everything ready.

He decides to put the tattoo on my back where he wants to put his, and I have no arguments about that.

I love the way Dani eyes me as I pull my shirt off, but it fucking sucks having to lay down on my stomach with a painful as fuck boner in the way.

Zeke chuckles at my situation but, thankfully, doesn’t say anything.

I lay there and make small talk with them as I relax into the feeling of the needle.

Fuck, I don’t think I have ever been so happy.


Having a property tattoo is something I couldn’t believe I wanted. I was serious though, I always looked at my friends and felt jealous that I didn’t have that sort of claim.

I’m sure most women wouldn’t want to be branded that way, but I already know I’m in this club for life and I really like the idea of having Zane by my side the whole way.

The eagerness to get it done grows as I watch Zane get his twin tattoo. I know I will have to wait to see what Zeke comes up with.

Whatever it is, I know it will be good. He’s amazingly talented.

Plus, Zeke is the only person I would trust to give me a tattoo. I also know that if he fucks it up, I can hold it over his head for the rest of our lives.

I sit there and talk to them through Zane getting his tattoo, followed by Zeke getting his done by another artist there. Zeke’s tattoo is almost finished when my father walks in.

“Am I early?” he asks Zeke.

“Give me about twenty and I can do yours,” Zeke says, looking over at my father.

“What are you getting?” I ask in surprise.

“It’s over there,” Zeke says, pointing to a paper off to the side.

I pick it up and gasp at what I see.

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