Page 43 of Coming Home

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“You stay out of my kitchen!” Mama says while waving her wooden spoon in the air.

Ice steps back until he’s in the dining part of the kitchen, instead of where all the cooking goes on.

“Alright,” he says while putting his hands up in a surrender motion.

Dani shakes her head, looking amused, as prospects start the process of cleaning the place up.

It takes a long time before everyone has gone back to their clubs. Ice almost looked reluctant to leave. I know he was playing around with moving here to the mother chapter, but he never actually brought himself to get permission from both presidents to move chapters.

I wonder if the woman who washed his clothes will cement his decision to actually move down here. I know he wants a change of pace since one of his club brothers is married to his high school sweetheart. They worked it out, but he says it’s still weird to see that shit. He also said that he has been living in that town his whole life and he needed something different.

Sometimes we all need a change. It’s just hard to know if the change will be good or bad.

It would be nice to have Ice here. He’s one of the brothers I have gotten to know better each time the chapters get together.

Chapter Twelve


One month later…

I don’t think I will ever want to leave. Things with Zane have been amazing. We spend a lot of time together. I have played around with the idea of looking at the local hospital to see if they were hiring.

I like to keep busy, but I know how busy it will get and days will be long. I will not see everyone as much. It has been nice getting to know everyone. They all are becoming people I care about.

Zeke has plans to move here today. We were finally able to get everything settled down, and he was driving his moving truck here. He has decided to take his parents up on their offer to move in. He thinks it will help him get to know them until he finds a place of his own.

Having him around will be great. I was used to spending time with him before I moved away with Katy.

“Prez wants to see you in his office,” Tiny says walking back from where I know my dad’s office is.

“Okay,” I say slowly and start making my way over there.

When I knock on his door he says, “Enter.”

He’s looking over some paperwork. “Hey baby girl,” he says with smile when he sees it’s me.

“What’s up?” I ask before taking a seat in one of the chairs in front of the desk.

“Well, I wanted to offer you a job,” he says, leaning back and giving me his full attention.

“What kind of job?” I ask in confusion.

“It would be a nurse kind of position. We often get people with cuts, scrapes, and whatnot from various business. Most of them don’t require a trip to the ER, but there is the occasional stitch or two. Plus, there is a brother you haven’t met; Whisky. He’s in need of help. He refuses to have long term care in the hospital, but he’s got cancer and needs the help. I finally got him to agree to get some help for him, which is where you would come in. It would free up a brother or two that have to go over there and make sure he takes his meds and shit,” my dad explains.

“So, you want me to help out when someone gets hurt, but also take care of this man?” I ask, making sure I’m getting this right.

“Basically. I don’t know if you are planning on staying, but I hoped you would be staying at least awhile longer. If you were looking for a job, I thought maybe you would consider this before applying at the hospital,” my dad says.

I pretend to think it over, making him sweat. “That does sound interesting,” I mutter.

“There’s no pressure to stay. I just wanted to offer you a job in case you thought about staying,” he says quickly.

“I’d love to work for you. I was about to go to the hospital to apply today,” I tell him softly.

His eyes widen when he registers my words.

“You already decided?” he asks in surprise.

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