Page 44 of Coming Home

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I nod my head slowly. “Yeah. I think this is a great place. I love it here. Plus, the eye candy helps,” I say before giving a wink.

“You know, I wasn’t sure about you being with someone from the club, but I can see how happy you are and that’s all that I want,” he says softly.

“He makes me happy,” I state.

“I also wanted to run something else by you,” he says looking nervous, even more so than when he was waiting for my answer to his job offer.

“Okay shoot,” I say without taking my eyes off of him.

“I wanted to, well I was thinking of, I…shit…” he stutters out. Actual sweat is beading down his forehead. Wow, I don’t think I have actually ever seen someone sweat like that before.

“What’s going on?” I ask, sitting up straighter.

“I wanted to ask your permission to ask your mother to marry me,” he starts, and a huge smile forms on my face. “I know you usually ask the parents, but she doesn’t talk to hers still, and I know she thinks the world of you. You guys are all each other had for years, and it only seems right that I ask you. I know I haven’t been able to be your father growing up, and I want to be a bigger part of your lives. I want my ring on your mother’s finger,” he rushes out to explain.

“This is so unexpected,” I say with a gasp and place a hand on my chest in fake shock.

“I know, but I never stopped loving your mother. No one could ever compare to her. I don’t know how much longer I can wait to marry her,” he says while looking at me with a pleading expression.

I will myself to form a couple tears, thankful that I took drama in high school. It was fun but not something I wanted to do for life.

“It’s just… she’s all I have! And you want to take her away from me? Why do you want to take my mama away?” I say with a fake sob and cover my face so he can’t see my smile.

“I don’t want to take her. I want us to be a family. One big happy family,” he says getting up and walking over to put his arms around me.

“What’s going on?” a voice says, startling us. I only uncover my eyes and not my mouth to see Zane, Zeke, and my mother standing in the door.

“Nothing!” my dad says, looking panicked.

“Baby?” Zane asks, looking concerned.

When I look at Zeke and my mother, they both have their arms crossed over their chests and look amused.

“I see you finally fell victim to Dani’s acting,” my mother says dryly.

“Acting? What?” my dad asks while pulling away and looking at me. That’s when I move my hands to show him my smile.

“You were messing with me?” my dad asks in shock.

“It’s good to brush up on your acting skills once and awhile,” I explain with a shrug.

“That was cruel,” he says, narrowing his eyes at me.

“I have to have my fun sometimes,” I say.

“What was she pretending to cry about?” my mother asks curiously.

“He was asking me about a job, but that I didn’t have to take it, so I twisted his words around to make it seem like he didn’t really want me here,” I lie with a smirk at my mom.

Zeke narrows his eyes at me, but I subtly shake my head.

I can’t ruin the surprise for when my dad does propose. I look over at my dad. “I think that would be amazing. I think you should go ahead with your plans,” I say reassuringly.

His eyes soften at my words when he gets my meaning. “Alright, baby girl. I get you.”

He pulls me into his arms, and I mouth “later” to Zeke and Zane before glancing at my mom really quickly. They seem to get my meaning because they don’t probe for any more information.

“So, you decided to stay permanently?” my mom asks excitedly.

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