Page 42 of Coming Home

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“Exactly. I’m Dani. This is my old man, Rage,” Dani says, smiling at the woman.

“Chelsea,” she says with a small smile back.

“Well, I better get back to my walk of shame,” Chelsea says turning around and starting to head out the door.

“It was nice to meet you!” Dani shouts as the woman hightails it out of there. I’m not sure if we will see her again or not. The way she left, you’d think she was running fast and far from Knuckles.

Who knows what the fuck happened between them.

Mama is in the kitchen, cooking breakfast as always. She walks to the panty and jumps, letting out a little scream.

I move quickly to see what scared her, and I can’t even try to hold back my laughter.

Ice is in the pantry with only his cut on and his boxers. The funny part is that they have superman all over them. He’s passed out hugging a bag of potatoes.

I turn to see Mama walking back with her wooden spoon.

“Boy, you better stop making love to my potatoes and give me them so I can make breakfast,” Mama shouts, causing everyone in the kitchen to laugh.

When he doesn’t stir, she pokes his thighs with her wooden spoon, causing him to move his hips. When she gives him a light smack on his ass with the spoon, he groans.

“Let go of my potatoes, you pervert!” Mama shouts, and she pokes his side hard. He jumps up with a gasp.

He looks at us in confusion. “What’s going on?”

“You just about defiled my potatoes,” Mama states.

He looks down at the twenty-pound bag in his hands and turns red.

“Zane, grab those from the potato fucker so I can make hashbrowns,” Mama says while walking out of the pantry.

I laugh the whole time I’m grabbing them, causing Ice to growl.

“Fuck, I don’t think I will ever live this one down,” he says with a groan.

“Everyone is going to hear about this within the next ten minutes. Be glad you already have a road name, or it would be ‘potato fucker’,” I tell him with a laugh as we walk into the kitchen.

“Where the fuck are my clothes?” he asks while looking around in confusion.

Everyone is looking at him with amusement. More people are waking up and walking into the kitchen. They are looking at Ice in confusion.

Before anyone can begin to think of where his clothes might have gone, the room to the laundry opens and a woman with blonde hair runs over to Ice. She looks pretty young, and she looks at Ice with bright blue eyes.

“They are all clean. And here’s the stuff that was inside the pockets,” she says, handing him his clothes, wallet, keys, and what looks to be a couple condoms.

“Why the fuck did you have my clothes?” he snaps as he puts them on quickly.

“Well, when one of the brothers threw up on you, you were trying to do laundry in the kitchen sink. I took them from you before you made a disaster in the sink and told you that I would clean them for you. You said you were hungry, and I left to use the actual washer and dryer. When I came back, you were gone,” she says with a shrug.

“Who are you?” he asks in confusion, since none of us have really seen her before.

“Rayna. I came with my friend who said your brother could touch her chest. Since she was my ride, and I’m not from here, I sat around waiting for her to finish fucking,” Rayna says.

“She just ran out the door,” Dani says, worried that she just got ditched.

Rayna’s phone goes off with messages that she reads. “Oh yeah, she’s waiting for me in the car. It was nice to meet you guys. I have never been to one of your parties before. It was great,” she says with a big, cheerful smile and waves before walking out of the door.

“That was weird,” Ice mutters.

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