Page 151 of Lead Us To Temptation

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Damn right I am.

Gabriel looked at Catalina, now with tears in her eyes, and asked “Catalina, do you love him?”

She didn’t hesitate either,


She loves me!

Gabriel blew a puff of air from his lungs as he got up to thank Forseti for her help and walked her out.

I didn’t care what they were saying or doing. My attention was solely on the woman in front of me. I stood up and took the seat beside her and gently grabbed her hand and held it in mine. She froze for a brief moment before intertwining her fingers with mine.

“So what do we do now?” Gabriel asked as he made his way back over to us.

Leave so I can show her exactly what she means to me.

Catalina stood up, taking her hand out of mine, and said “Now I go back to the house.”

“Are you crazy!” Gabriel exclaimed,

“Why would you do that?” I asked her as I stood up from my seat,

“The only reason I am here is because I snuck out, if Micheal realizes I’m gone it could be bad for all of us.”

“NO!” Gabriel and I shouted at the same time.

Finally, something we both agree on!

“The best option is to keep you far away from him.”

“I agree with Lucifer, it’s best to keep you away from Micheal.”

“I can take care of myself! I am not completely defenseless.”

“Catalina please for once just listen to us!” Gabriel shouted as he made his way towards her.

Catalina opened her mouth to protest but I reached over and grabbed both her hands,

“It is safer for you here with us than out there with him.”

Catalina rolled her eyes, “You’re both insufferable.”

There she is. There’s my girl.

I pulled her closer again and gently kissed her forehead.

I’ve missed her.

Gabriel crossed his arms,

“So what do we do now?”

Before I could say anything, Catalina beat me to it,

“We rest and we come up with a plan. We don’t know what we are getting into and we should be prepared for every scenario.”

“What do we do about Micheal at the house then? He’ll notice you’re gone.”

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