Page 147 of Lead Us To Temptation

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No lies. No bullshit.

“It was after that night at the bar when you conjured up that little ember for me. Your flame didn’t burn me. Gabriel and I were concerned so we sought out an old buddy of ours, we just wanted to know how you, a mortal girl, could have Hellfire-”

“I know that you already told me about that.”

Gabriel rested his hand on top of Catalina’s and told her “Please listen.”

I’ve never wanted to break my brother’s hand more than I did at this moment.

“The Fates showed us what the psychic your mother went to saw. The psychic explained to your mother that you were damned to Hell but your mother left before she could explain that you would not suffer, that you would rule by my side.”

Please don’t be afraid. Please don’t be scared.

“The psychic saw two figures appear from the shadows, You and I, both with crowns atop our heads, hand in hand.”

Catalina immediately stood up and started to pace around the house. I followed her.

“Why the hell didn’t you tell me!”

“I didn’t tell you because I wanted it to be your choice. If you had feelings for me I wanted them to be genuine not because some old twit saw us. I didn’t want you to feel like you had to be with me because you had to, I wanted you to want to be with me because You wanted to, But most importantly I did not want to frighten you.”

She finally stopped and turned to me and I took her hands in mine “I did not know how to break the lock. I would never hurt you and I would never use you. I swear to you.”

I brushed a strand of hair away from her face and gently tucked it behind her ear,

“I would rather spend the rest of my life here with you than spend an eternity without you.”

Catalina stared at me as I intertwined our fingers,

“I love you, Catalina.”

She remained silent for a moment.

Please believe me. Please. You know me.

Gabriel coughed, pulling our attention to him,

“Can we talk about what we are going to do?”

Catalina looked up at me and before she could answer, Without taking my eyes off hers, I responded,

“Micheal doesn’t get within ten feet of her.”

“Why should we trust you?”

I have to be an asshole, but just for a moment.

“Because if I truly wanted to open the lock she would be dead by now and so would Micheal.”

Gabriel crossed his arms, “It is not enough.”

“What will it take?” I asked, still looking at those beautiful eyes I have come to love. She remained silent as Gabriel answered,

“I have an old friend that would be able to sense if you are lying or not. I want to hear your side of the story with that friend present.”

I scoffed,

“After so many years you finally want to hear my side of the story.”

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