Page 146 of Lead Us To Temptation

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“What did Micheal tell you?”

Catalina leaned back in her chair, and without taking her eyes off me she answered,

“He told me why you fell and what you did.”

What I did!

“So Micheal told you about Lilith and the lock?” Gabriel asked her,

Still looking at me she answered him,


Gabriel shifted uncomfortably,

“And I assume he also told you about what it would take to break the lock.”

“Every detail.” She said, Those piercing green eyes were still locked on me.

You shouldn’t believe him. I would never harm you!

Gabriel sighed as he ran his hands through his golden hair,

“Well shit, Lucifer, you have anything to say?”

Without taking my eyes off Catalina I said the one thing I had been waiting eons to say,

“Micheal is a liar.”

Catalina laughed, but it wasn’t the soft comforting laughter I had come to know, this was a laugh that was full of rage.

“And I suppose I’m supposed to believe you? Because you have been so honest and upfront with me right?”

I knew keeping the rest of the vision would come to bite me in the ass and it did.

“Ask me any damn question you want and I will answer it.”

Anything. Anything she asked I will answer it. I can do this. I can be honest with her.

Catalina leaned forward and asked,

“What happened to Lilith?”


“She is Safe. Somewhere away from people like Micheal and Adam.”

“Is she alive?” She asked without hesitation

“She is.”

Gabriel’s eyes slightly widened as he asked “Where the hell is she?”

I wish I could tell you brother.

We went silent for a moment. If I told him where Lilith was it would be a betrayal of her trust and a compromise to her safety. I couldn’t do that to her.

“Tell me about the vision.”

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