Page 145 of Lead Us To Temptation

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I lunged for Lucifer but Gabriel stepped in between us,

“Why the hell do you want to kill him?”

“Because I refuse to be another person’s pawn.”

Lucifer took a slight step forward before speaking,

“What did Micheal tell you?”

Still, with my dagger in hand, I answered him,


Gabriel and Lucifer shared a look

What the hell does that look mean?

“Catalina put the dagger down so we can talk.”


Still looking at Lucifer I answered Gabriel,

“What is there to talk about, he wants to kill me!”

Lucifer took another step forward as he shouted,



“LIAR!” I lunged toward him but Gabriel held me back,

“Alright everyone just calm down and let’s talk about this.”

“Screw talking about it, I wanna kill him!”

I shouted as I struggled to get out of Gabriel’s arms.

“Well, you can’t kill him so let’s sit down and fucking talk.”

Gabriel released me and held out his hand for the dagger,

“Please, Catalina.”

I handed over the dagger to Gabriel who motioned for me to head to the kitchen.

This is not going to end well.

* * *

Lucifer’s POV

“The ball is in your court brother, don’t fuck it up,” Gabriel whispered to me as he led Catalina into the kitchen.

She is incredibly angry and she has every right to be, but how can someone this angry still look so beautiful?

Catalina took the seat across from me and sat beside Gabriel.

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