Page 144 of Lead Us To Temptation

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“What do you mean until now?”

The lock isn’t broken because Lucifer is still here.

“When I made the lock I wanted to make sure that if Lucifer ever did figure out a way to break the lock, it would cost him everything, just like his actions cost us our father.” Micheal’s gaze locked on mine as he continued, my heart beating as if it was seconds from popping out of my chest as he spoke.

“If Lucifer wants to open the lock, he has to spill the blood of the one who loves him. That my dear is where you come in.”

He’s lying, he has to be lying.

“Did you really think it was a coincidence that he started acting differently towards you all of a sudden?”

I stood up and pushed Micheal away and began to head for the door but Micheal’s voice stopped me,

“Somehow my brother finally figured out how to break the lock. Put the pieces together Catalina, I’m sure you’re a smart girl.”

I was just a pawn in this game. Lucifer saw me as a vulnerable weak individual he could manipulate.

Did you really think it was a coincidence that he started acting differently towards you all of a sudden?

Gabriel had said the same thing and now so did Micheal.

No Lucifer wouldn’t lie to me and he sure as hell wouldn’t kill me! He wouldn’t. Would he?

I was so lost in my own head that I didn’t even hear Micheal as he came up behind me and placed his hands on my hips, that slight spark returning as he bent down and whispered,

“I’m sorry you had to find out this way Catalina. I’m sorry that you had to find out that Lucifer thought you were nothing more than just a pretty sacrifice. I’m sorry he made you fall so hard but if you stay here with me and Gabriel we will make sure you are taken care of and that Lucifer is dealt with for you.”

I turned around and Micheal lifted a hand and brushed a piece of hair out of my face as he whispered again,

“Get some rest, Catalina. You’ve dealt with enough for today. I will wake you when Gabriel returns.”

Micheal walked around me and out of the room and shut my door behind him.

This was bullshit! Complete and utter bullshit!

It had to be a lie! It had to be. Lucifer wouldn’t do that- Unless it was the only way to get back. Glancing around the room I immediately picked up two daggers that Gabriel gifted me, locked my bedroom door and climbed out of the window, and began to head for the house.

I had been a pawn in my mother’s twisted games for years. I refused to be another pawn in whatever game Lucifer was playing. I wasn’t going to die. Not today or anytime soon.


Chapter 22

Catalina’s POV

Lucifer lifted both his hands up and slowly began to back away from the door as I entered the house, dagger in hand, poised at his chest.

“What in the actual fuck are you doing?”

Gabriel asked, finally starting to regain consciousness after I knocked him out.

Honestly, he kind of deserved it.

Without taking my eyes off Lucifer I answered Gabriel, “Killing your brother.”

I watched as Lucifer put his hands down and yelled,


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