Page 143 of Lead Us To Temptation

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Micheal leaned in, his mouth a few short inches from mine, and said

“I’m not interested in talking about Gabriel. I am talking about Lucifer.”

I looked up to face him,

“What kind of story?”

Micheal released my wrist and made his way towards my bed where he motioned for me to sit beside him.

“The truth. About him and who he is.”

“Let me guess you’re going to tell me he’s this evil person bent on destruction and suffering.”

I’ve heard all this stuff when I was a child and it’s all lies.

“Many eons ago, when the world was new, every God and Goddess of every religion struggled for power. Each wanting to be at the top of the food chain. It resulted in a war between the mortals that lasted years and cost many many lives. Eventually, everyone had enough. No one knows why except for them and I don’t particularly care but they came together and agreed to split this world and let you mortals decide what they believed and who they followed.” Micheal slightly tensed as he continued,

“Unfortunately the mortals at the time were too far gone, many of them went mad during the war, claiming their god was the only god and began slaughtering those who opposed them. Once again the Gods came together and decided to give this world a fresh start. You probably refer to it as the Great Flood. No one survived despite what some stories say. After a few years of rebuilding the world, my father and the other Gods of the world came together to create you mortals. A brand new creation for a brand new world. Imbuing a piece of each god inside them. The mortals could choose who to follow. Each Deity created one man and one woman. For my father, it was Adam and Lilith.”

So all the gods reshaped the world?

“There was only one rule for all of them, the souls needed a place to go after they parted. Everyone agreed there needed to be a place for good souls to go, a place for bad souls to go, and a place in the middle for those who still needed purification. How it was run was up to the deities and whatever system they wanted. My father had enlisted my two brothers and me to help. I ruled over Heaven, Gabriel ruled over Purgatory and Lucifer ruled over Hell. For a few centuries, everything was good, the Gods were happy, My father was happy, the mortals were happy and my brothers were happy. Or so I thought. After a while Lucifer seemed to get annoyed anytime our father brought up the mortals, we of course did not think anything of it as Lucifer had always had a little bit more anger to him than we did. We just assumed the ways of Hell were getting to him. Running Hell was a task no one really wanted but Lucifer was perfect for it. We butted heads of course but we are brothers so it was only natural for him to be angry with me. I think Lucifer was always upset that I was the better of us three, but he would never say how he felt.”

Arrogant prick.

“One day I noticed Lucifer acting a bit strange. Engaging in conversations with others he typically did not talk to, but once he finished talking with them they all had this strange look on their faces. I thought nothing of it until I heard one of them mention a name I hadn’t heard in centuries, Lilith. I immediately panicked. Thinking something was wrong-”

Lilith? I think I’ve heard that name before.

“Who’s Lilith?” I asked him.

Micheal glared at me but explained,

“Try to keep up but Lilith was the first woman my father created. She was made to serve Adam and given the gift of immortality.”

Micheal continued the story,

“ I grew worried so I asked around about Lucifer’s whereabouts the past few days. According to the others Lucifer had been visiting the mortals quite often-”

“If Lilith had the gift of Immortality, why would you be worried?”

“As long as she served Adam, she had immortality and I feared my brother would disrupt that. So I rushed to my father with the others who had confirmed where Lucifer was going, they admitted to my father that Lucifer had been visiting the mortals, one in particular, Lilith. I expressed my concern to my father. Telling him we should check on Lilith to make sure she was alright. My father agreed. Unfortunately, we could not find Lilith, but we found Adam.”

Where the hell did Lilith go?

“Adam disclosed that Lilith had been getting increasingly difficult to work with around the time that Lucifer began his visits. It was clear that Lucifer had begun to taint Lilith, but yet it was not enough for our father, he sent Adam back with instructions to watch over Lilith. Perhaps if my father had done something then, we could have avoided the mess that happened. My father instructed us to keep quiet about what was said but to be on guard. So we waited and watched. Everyone was on edge about what would happen. A few days later we got our answer. I saw Lucifer, he looked angry. More angry than I had ever seen him and I decided to reach out, Lucifer said that he didn’t understand our father’s creations and that he wished they would just disappear.”

What did he mean by disappear?

“I immediately decided to tell my father, I was concerned that Lucifer wanted to harm the mortals, and my father requested Adam and Lilith back, However when I went to retrieve them Lilith was nowhere to be found so I could only bring Adam back. Adam had disclosed to my father that Lilith refused him and she had left with Lucifer and that Lucifer had threatened him.”

Lilith went with Lucifer? Why would she sacrifice her immortality?

“Our worst fears had been confirmed. Lucifer had tainted Lilith and wanted to end everything my father and the others worked so hard to create. My father and I had discussed what to do and ultimately the best decision was to lock him away where he could do no more harm. I suggested locking him away and my father agreed however, my father suggested Lucifer be put in the mortal world without his powers so that hopefully he could learn to love the mortals again. I asked my father how we would keep Lucifer from entering Hell and reusing his powers and my father suggested I come up with the lock myself. So I did, I made a lock I knew he could never break and so that night my father and I requested Lucifer and told him his punishment while Gabriel placed the lock on Hell.”

But why would Lucifer take Lilith? It doesn’t make sense.

“Lucifer of course denied the allegations but my father had heard enough from witnesses and had seen the evidence. My father did surprise us all and tell Lucifer that if he handed Lilith over then all would be forgiven, of course, he did not. So my father carried out his decision. Lucifer fell and Hell was locked. Of course, we had to still have balance in the world so while Lucifer could never return to Hell unless the lock was broken, his little creations could still slither out. Making deals and terrorizing the mortals. But he could never go back without breaking the lock and without his powers he could never summon one of his little creations to help him and they could not summon him. I kicked Lucifer out myself and when I returned I found my father gone. Apparently, he had decided losing Lucifer and his little creation was too much and had left. My father was gone and the lock remained for countless centuries, unchanged, unbroken, and untouched. Until now.”

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