Page 142 of Lead Us To Temptation

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“If you show up Micheal will just take her to another location. Micheal believes that you will kill her to go home so he’s going to do what he can to keep her alive. Even if it means keeping her away from you.”

Over my dead fucking body!

Gabriel was right though. If I went where she was, Micheal would just take her somewhere else. And that was unacceptable.

“So you just expect me to sit on my ass and do nothing!?”

Gabriel sighed,

“I think we should-”

Gabriel’s words were cut off by a bang on the door of the house. No one else should know about this place except for us and Catalina. But, if she was with Micheal…

Gabriel and I spared a glance at each other as we pulled out our daggers and stood beside the door, Gabriel looked at me and I nodded back to him, a silent signal for him to open the door. Slowly he grabbed the knob and ripped the door open, only to be punched in the face.

Immediately I moved but a dagger was thrown at my head, I ducked just in time and the dagger missed my head as it hit the wall. I looked back at the person at the door.


Her eyes burning bright orange.

* * *

Catalina’s POV

I hate him.

Micheal was a pain in my ass. A dangerous pain in my ass. I just needed to lay low until Gabriel got back. I went straight into the bathroom and started painfully taking out the shards of glass that still stuck to my body. Some pieces went deeper than others and it was utterly painful to get them out.

Twenty-two. Twenty-two pieces were in my body.

I grabbed a book off my nightstand and started to head to my bed when an intruding voice interrupted me.

“I will never understand the infatuation with reading ridiculous false stories.”

You’ve got to be kidding me…

I turned to find Micheal beginning to make his way into my room.

“They say reading makes you smarter yet I disagree, there is nothing smart about filling your head with false hope and expectations.”

“If you are going to keep insulting me you can leave.” I snapped at him,

Micheal walked over to me, took the book from my hands, and threw it across the room like he threw me.

A loud noise sounded throughout the house as my hand connected with his face, Slowly his head turned back to face me,

“If you try that again I will break every last bone in your hand. Do you understand me!”

“Don’t throw my things and I won’t have to slap you!”

Micheal leaned back away from me as he clasped his hands behind his back.

“Since you are so interested in stories, let me tell you one about my brother.”

I scoffed and said to Micheal,

“I have no interest in hearing about Gabriel.” I started to turn away from Micheal but he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back to him.

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