Page 141 of Lead Us To Temptation

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“I didn’t tell her about the vision because I wanted it to be her choice. Brother, you have told me from the beginning that she has had everything taken from her. That she has had very few choices in her life. I would not take another choice from her. I would not be that person to her.”

From what Gabriel had told me Catalina didn’t get a lot of say in any decisions in her life. Everything she did was controlled by another person without keeping what she wanted in mind. I wouldn’t be that person to her. I wouldn’t be another person who made decisions for her and told her how things were going to be. This was her life and she deserved to have a say.

Gabriel backed away from the island and walked toward the cabinet grabbing two shot glasses and a drink and poured himself and me a drink.

“When did you know?”

Here we go.

“The night of the bar. She was in the library. I had gone out for a flight and when I came back the light was on. I went to turn it off, I thought maybe she had forgotten to turn it off but she was in there. She had a book in her hand, she didn’t even notice I walked in, she had a book in one hand and was twirling a piece of hair in the other. She had a small smile on her face. I should’ve walked away but I just found myself watching her. She looked so content and happy. She turned the page in her book and her smile got wider, and in that moment I thought to myself that she was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen and that I would do anything to see her smile like that again.”

I didn’t tell him about the nightmare that happened and the almost kiss we shared. That was a moment between me and her. No one else but I would never forget that night as long as I lived and when she got here, when I was able to hold her and look into those beautiful green eyes again, I would tell her.

“Do you love her Lucifer? Truly?”

“Yes,” I said, without hesitation

More than anything.

Gabriel went silent as he took another shot, slamming the glass down,

“I want to believe you. I do but I-” He cut himself off, taking his eyes off mine as he gazed around the room,

“I want to believe that this isn’t some great ploy by you-”

“It’s not.”

Gabriel’s eyes found mine and I could see everything he was thinking. The doubt. The worry. A million accusations and questions roaming around in his head. His response however surprised me.

“We have a problem then.”

“The only problem is that Micheal is with her.”

Gabriel rolled his eyes,

“Micheal wouldn’t hurt her.”


“You know Micheal wouldn’t hesitate to hurt anyone to get what he wanted.”

Gabriel crossed his arms, a slight wariness looming in his eyes

“So what do you propose we do then brother?”

Get her out of harm’s way first!

“First things first, we get her away from Micheal, then we bring her here and we explain everything. The lock, The vision, all of it.”

I started to head for the door but Gabriel’s words stopped me. His words were like ice plaguing the warmth of blood coursing through my veins.

“You can’t go to her Lucifer.”

Very slowly I turned,

“Repeat that for me brother.”

I watched as Gabriel made his way over and stood right in front of the door. Blocking it from me.

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