Page 101 of Love Signals

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Thank you. See you around eight?


I’ll be counting the minutes.

If ever there was a man who was boyfriend material, it’s this man. So, why is there a niggling feeling at the back of my mind? Something’s wrong, but I don’t know what.

“Allegra! Do I need to come up there?” Ma yells up the stairs.

“No, I’m coming down.”

Supper is a blur. The food is hot and delicious, and I have to admit my mom knew exactly what I needed. I coast through helping with the dishes without saying much more than two words. Then we sit down in the living room to watch Law & Order and 20/20 True Crime, both of which scare the shit out of my father, who repeatedly tells me that ‘this is why you should never move out. Because of whack jobs like that guy.’

“Sure, Pops,” I tell him, too tired to argue. By the time my dad shuts the television off, I realize that strange, yucky feeling has grown exponentially. Something is definitely off, and I know it’s got something to do with Hudson, but I can’t put my finger on why.

Finally back in bed, I convince myself I’m just not used to being this happy. That’s got to be it. Being this happy is making me uncomfortable. It’s like I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop. But this time it won’t, because this time, I’ve fallen for a man I can trust.

As I drift off, a voice in my head tells me there is something I’m missing. Something big and important. I have to find the pattern. The pattern is the key.

But the key to what?


And the Truth Shall Set Your Life on Fire…


I wake to a text from Allie that gives me an uneasy feeling.


Don’t worry about driving me to work today. I’ve got a ride. See you when you get there. The class won’t arrive until 10 so feel free to take your time.

That is not the text of a woman who wants to see someone. It’s reminiscent of the note she left on my desk my first day here, telling me to feel free to hit the gym and relax before I came in. I quickly write her back.


Everything okay?


Yup. Just tons of stuff to do. I’ll be super busy preparing the instructions for how to use Frank for the verification team. I’ll be done in time for the tour though.

I stare at our exchange, deciding to take her at her word and assume she’s just really busy. She’s also probably worried that the other astronomers won’t be able to verify her results, which will mean she won’t be able to present at the conference. It’s a whole lot of pressure.

Yes, that’s probably it. I’m sure everything between us is fine. How could it have changed overnight? That would be bananas.

I arrive at 9:45 bearing coffees and find Allie at her desk typing away furiously. I set her coffee down and give her a quick kiss on the top of her head. “Don’t let me distract you.”

“I won’t,” she says without looking up.

Taking a seat at the desk, I have a sip of coffee, then open one of her textbooks and flip through it so I’m not just sitting here watching her. After a few minutes, she stops typing, then gets up and closes the door to the office. Turning back to me, she says, “I need to ask you something.”

I offer her an easy smile, even though I can tell something is wrong. “Sure. Anything.”

She settles herself on the corner of her desk and crosses her arms. “One of the most important skills an astronomer can have is the ability to detect patterns, even if they’re not obvious.”

“Okay…” I say, having no clue where she’s going with this.

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