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“Eyes on the road,” I shout as he turns the wheel in the opposite direction.

“Sorry. I’m not kissing a human,” Ryn says. He sounds unhappy rather than disgusted with the idea.

He frowns, which I can see through the central mirror. I hope this journey we’ve been on has opened his heart like it has mine. He never stood a chance with Maris. He might not deserve Pasha either, but maybe she will accept him, flaws and all. Love’s funny in that way. He didn’t seem to see Maris for her worth, whereas I already see her as a queen.

We dump the car close to a clifftop and start the decline to the beach. Pasha hands Owen a concoction that looks similar to the one I took. He drinks it without hesitation.

“Yuck. I’m not changing my diet to sea plants anytime soon,” Owen says.

“We’ll see,” Pasha says with a smile.

“Do you think you can change my mind?”


“You’re on.” Owen gives her the thumbs up and Ryn’s scowl deepens.

He probably deserves a taste of his own medicine, even if Pasha and Owen are only teasing. Ryn doesn’t stop when we reach the water, and I follow him into it so my brother has some privacy.

“How bad is the situation in Atlantis?” I ask Ryn.

“It couldn’t get any worse.” He seems cold with me, but we don’t really know each other.

“My brother’s a good guy,” I say.

“I’m sure he is, but Pasha’s my girl.”

“Does she know that?”

He grabs hold of my shirt, and I can’t help but smile. I don’t mean to aggravate him, but I want to know where he stands. With him this close, it’s obvious he likes Pasha.

“I’ve tried to tell her how serious I am, but she’s struggling to believe me.” His voice softens and he moves away from me.

“Things will work out for the best.”

“I hope you’re right.”

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