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“Right behind you, brother.”

We run, and I knock over a few small suitcases. A group of security men chases us as we weave through the crowds. Our fate can’t end with us in jail after all we’ve been through.

A staff door catches my eye, and I pull Owen into it. Off the main route, we take the long corridor, hoping it’s not a dead end. The door swings open and footsteps run after us. We run down a few flights of stairs until we’re in a bagging area. Without respect for the luggage, I throw myself onto the conveyer belt and start to jump over the obstacles in my way.

“Hey. Stop!” a guard shouts.

“We need to get out of sight,” Owen says.

“Or at least farther in front. I think we should head up the conveyer belt and hope we can shake them.”

“Where will we come out?”

“I’m hoping in the check-in lounge. Then the exit will be right there.” We struggle our way up to the top as the luggage travels in the opposite direction. Some guards attempt to follow us but soon give up. We push through the flaps at the top and the bright lights are blinding. “Sorry,” I say to the startled woman on the desk as we rush past her, spinning her chair. Guards are already searching for us as we surface, and we don’t stop. By the time we reach the door, we have a mob chasing us.

We run out in front of a car and almost get run over. I put my hand on the bonnet to steady myself, but we haven’t got time for hesitation. A horn beeps from a nearby car, and when I look at the driver, I see it’s Ryn.

“Get in!” Pasha shouts from the far side.

“This is our ride,” I say to Owen. I let him take the nearside, and I race around to Pasha. She has a bandage on her leg.

The car doors slam and the engine roars to life. Ryn’s driving is more like a dodgem ride, but at least the security isn’t following us.

“Have you driven before?” Owen asks, fastening his safety belt.

“Sure,” Ryn says.

“Don’t lie to him. Driving here doesn’t count as experience,” Pasha scolds.

“I’m trying my best,” Ryn says.

“What happened to your leg?” I ask.

“My father blew up Atlantis.”

“Shit. How’s Maris?”

“We haven’t seen her since she left with you.”

“How did you know to come to the airport?”

“My human connection picked it up on a police scanner,” Ryn says.

“Thank you. We might not have made it if you hadn’t turned up.”

“Don’t thank us yet. We’re about to pull you into a war.”

“The moment we started looking for the jug we were already involved,” I say, realising it’s the truth.

I hold the seat as we turn the corner, and Pasha steadies herself, holding the dashboard. There’s no time to waste as we head for the beach in search of the ocean.

“Owen can’t breathe underwater,” I say.

“Don’t worry. I have a potion, and I will gift him the warmth of the sea,” Pasha says.

“You can’t kiss him,” Ryn says.

“Are you going to do it?” she asks him. The car swerves to the left.

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