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Chapter Twenty-Three



When I envisioned visiting the lost city of Atlantis, I never expected to be spending most of my time behind bars. Fortunately, I was able to persuade the guards to give me my own cell, although listening to my two inmates is the most entertainment I’ve got.

“How are we going to get out of here?” Rob asks.

“Let’s hope Neptune comes for us. It’s about time he set his plan in action to take Atlantis,” the other guy says. I heard Rob call him Landon earlier.

“Should we try to escape?” Rob asks.

“This isn’t a movie. We can’t use a spoon to dig our way out. Besides, even if we weren’t sitting on solid rock, it would take months to do something like that.”

“Can’t we trick one of the guards into letting us out?”

“How do you expect us to do that?” Landon says in a dumb voice. “Your plan is stupid. We might be skeletons before someone comes for us.” His annoyance is evident in his voice.

“Your ideas aren’t much brighter.”

The main door of the prison swings open, and the two men fall silent.

Maris’s beautiful face appears at the bars. She’s wearing her crown and pearls. Being in the ocean brings her skin to life, and it almost glows. She looks more like a princess than I’ve ever seen, and it takes my breath away. She’s so pretty I’m lost for words.

“Thank the stars you’re okay,” she says.

“Have you come to get me out, or am I to start begging for an audience with the king?” I ask. Rob has me a little worried I’ll be spending the rest of my days down here.

“Of course I’ve come to get you out,” Maris says, waving a key in front of my cell.

“I could kiss you right now.” I reach for her, but she doesn’t move towards me.

“At least wait until we get outside,” she says, playfully tutting. She unlocks the door, and I pull her into a hug. She might be able to wait for a kiss, but I want to touch her.

“What will happen to the other two guys?” I ask, pointing towards their cell as we walk out.

“Aw, did you make prison buddies?” She smirks.

“I’m just curious.”

“Princesses don’t deal with decisions like that.”

“Are you giving me special treatment?” I ask flirtatiously.

“You’re my guest. I just needed to sort out the misunderstanding.”

“Are you going to show me around?” I gesture to my surroundings, although I hope I won’t be seeing any more of these jail walls.

“I think the sea water has gone to your head. We need to get to the oracle and there’s no time to waste.” We smile at each other. She’s right. There’s no time to sightsee.

Maris takes my hand to hurry my swimming. We leave the prison and take a route through the city.

“You really care about my brother, don’t you?” I ask.

“I do. It feels like I’ve known him for a lifetime.”

“He’s a great guy.” I smile sadly.

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