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“Yes. I’m looking forward to having some fun with him once we’ve got the jug.”

“And what about with me?”

She pulls me close and gives me the kiss I’ve been waiting for. “You’re cute when you’re jealous.”

I frown. “That’s not what this is.”

“Okay. Whatever you say.” She’s misread me slightly, but I don’t correct her. I do wish I could keep her to myself.

We reach a cave that looks like a vintage traveller’s shop. Maris runs her fingers through her hair.

“Are you nervous?” I ask, studying her.

“It’s been a while since I visited the oracle. She puts me on edge a little.”

“Isn’t she supposed to help you find your destiny?”

“Yes, but what if I don’t want to know what she has to say?”

“Her words don’t change fate. It only prepares you for it.”

“I hope that’s only half true. We need help with our Aquarius clue.” Maris pushes forward and enters the dwelling of the oracle.

“Maris, my beautiful child. Please come in,” a mermaid says, gesturing to a seat around a large rock. Her wrinkles highlight her wise age, and her tail isn’t as bright as the other mer I’ve seen.

“Thank you.” Maris pulls me farther into the cave and the oracle wastes no time.

She runs her hands over a large black pearl ball. The inside looks like it’s moving. I hover in the background, wondering if the mermaid even saw me slip into the room. I’ve never been a spiritual person, but at this point, I’ll try anything. We need to finish solving these clues fast.

“A long time ago, Ganymede was an ordinary boy, minding sheep in his father’s field. His masculine beauty attracted the attention of a god. The god of the sky wanted Ganymede for himself. Zeus is said to be the protector of gods and humans, but he also has a mischievous side. He kidnapped the young man from the land using his eagle, who flew him up to the highest heights. The stars of Aquarius represent Ganymede as he became the cupbearer for the gods.”

“What does this have to do with us?” Maris asks. She’s intensely focused on the oracle.

“Aquarius stars bring good luck, and they are shining down on you. If prophecy prevails, you will restore the heart of Atlantis.”

“What about my brother?” I ask.

The oracle makes a crisscross pattern over the pearl, looking deep into the ball. “The jug you seek does contain healing properties, but only fate can decide someone’s path.”

“What does that mean?” I can’t help but worry I’m not going to be able to save Owen, and her words don’t fill me with reassurance.

“I can only tell you what I see.”

She’s not making this easy, but I guess we have to ask the correct question. “We have a riddle to solve relating to the mission. Do you think you can help with unravelling it? It’s mermaids cry tears of joy when sailors shout distress calls of ahoy,” I say, quoting the jug.

She studies her pearl. “Your mind is clouded with the judgement you think is true.”

“How do I clear my thoughts?” I’ve been solely focused on my brother since I arrived in Haiti until I met Maris.

“How did you two meet?”

I frown. What’s she trying to say? Maris doesn’t cloud my thoughts, does she? “Isn’t it your job to already know?” I ask.

“Humour me, dear boy.” She looks at me for the first time.

“Maris saved me from drowning.”

“So, you were in distress?”

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