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Chapter Twenty



My head hurts like I’ve been hit by a hammer shark. I open one eye and try to sit up, but the room starts to spin. The awful taste in my mouth makes me retch. I’m never drinking human poison again. “When will the pain stop?” I ask, holding my head.

I don’t expect a response, so Ryn makes me jump when he says, “I told you that you’d regret drinking that last glass of wine.”

I lift the covers to discover I’m naked. “Please tell me nothing happened between us last night.”

“I’ve seen you nude before.”

“Yes, but I’ve decided we can’t do that again.”

“Oh, have you?” He leans closer, pressing his naked body to mine.

“Come any closer and I’ll be sick.”

“I’ll get you some water.” He moves to the edge of the bed and pours me a glass from a jug on the side. I sit up to drink it while watching him. Ryn isn’t usually this attentive.

“Thanks,” I say, taking a few sips. “Did I do anything embarrassing last night?”

“Other than practically disowning me and declaring you’re done with men? No.”

“Those are strong words, but I’m serious about ending our non-relationship. I won’t be played any longer.”

“When I thought you’d been taken by a group of human traffickers, I was going out of my mind with worry, and it’s made me realise how strong my feelings are for you.”

“Save your speech. I’m not changing my mind because however you feel doesn’t affect the outcome. You’re part of the royal court, and I’m an outcast.”

“It’s not that simple.”

“When we get home, will you go back to your life like nothing’s happened?”

“We have to return to normal.”

“You might, but I have options.”

He thrusts his arms down by his sides, letting out a frustrated groan. “You can’t be seriously thinking about staying here.”

“He’s my dad, and I don’t want to work at the factory. Why shouldn’t I consider this place as an option?”

“Because these people are strangers. Your family and friends are back in Atlantis.”

“I’m not a princess or even a royal. My future in Atlantis is bleak. My dad is the leader of the rebellion. Here, I might find an important place.”

“What’s to rebel against?”

“You wouldn’t understand because you’re privileged.”

“So tell me.”

“Every member of your family has the opportunity to live their dreams and get a great job. You and your sister will marry well and have a beautiful cave. All I can hope for is my own place, and if I’m lucky, a hardworking husband that doesn’t leave me.”

“It’s not easy for me. I don’t have a choice over who I marry or the job I’m given.”

“It’s better than the factory.”

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