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He shakes hands with Mr Black, and we leave the warehouse. “Are you sure the girl’s worth it?” Isaac asks.

I need her back, and I’m struggling to hide my desperation. “Can’t we steal her?”

“He will know it’s us. I’ll pay the money, and you’ll pay me.” He’s void of emotion as usual, and I feel like I’m losing control.

“I’ve already given you a deposit.” What more is it going to cost me?

“The stakes just went up, and you need to compensate me.”

“And what’s the price?” I can’t show how much saving her means to me or he’ll use it to his advantage.

“A sperm donation a month for six months.”

“That’s too high.” If only he knew I’d pay anything. I don’t want to give him any bodily fluids, especially if he can use it to make children.

“And a scale.”

“Go to hell.”

“Don’t worry, I will. Now, agree to my terms or stop wasting my time.”

“Fuck.” I kick the dirt. If I didn’t have feelings for her this would be so much simpler and I’d be able to leave her there until I’d bartered the price.

When did my life get so complicated? All I had to do was marry Maris and the kingdom would have been mine. Why did I have to fuck it up? Now, not only will I be jerking off for Isaac, I’ll probably lose both girls. I slap my cheek, hoping I can snap out of this pity party. That’s not me. I’m selfish and I go after what I want.

“Let’s go get my girl,” I say because, deep down, that’s what I want and need to do.

“As you wish.”

We write the coordinates into the mapping system and put a track on the truck’s GPS. Mr Black lied. The truck has an hour on us, and we need to hurry if we’re going to catch them up. We hit the motorway at breakneck speed and zoom down the road. Isaac is a man on a mission when he wants something, and I try not to think about what that means for me.

When the truck comes into view, Isaac tries to get the driver to pull over, but he almost runs us off the road. We follow him for a couple of miles and his driving gets erratic. “Can’t we contact him?”

“If it was that simple, Mr Black would’ve given us the number.”

“So what do we do?”

“Maybe we should drop back and hope he calms down.”

“What if we lose them?”

“We have the GPS information. We need to wait for him to stop.”

“Okay. Do it.”

It feels like we’ve been following them for days. I’m frustrated, and the pressure is getting to me. I fidget in my seat.

“We need to stop for petrol and the bathroom,” Isaac says.


“Sorry, Ryn. You’re not the one in control. It’ll take ten minutes and then we’ll be back on the road.”

“Just hurry up.”

He pulls into the petrol station and gets out, turning the car off. I watch him fill up and disappear inside.

Drumming my fingers against the dashboard, I wait for him to come back. Why is nothing going my way? The tips of my fingers begin to ache from the force of my tapping. When Isaac returns, I’m ready to explode. “Come on!” I bark.

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