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“Legend has it the lost city of Atlantis will be discovered by a member of my family. The Colombo family,” I say to the beautiful lady sitting on my lap.

I tell this story to all the pretty girls in Haiti because I love the Caribbean island, and I need it to hold some truth. Conning rich people out of money is how I afford to stay here, and this is where I need to be. The Marriot Port-Au Prince is one of my favourite hotels, and it’s why I chose Lara as my date for tonight. She’s booked the hotel for her stay in Haiti.

“Tell me about your last treasure hunt, Kyle.” She seductively bites her lip.

The first rule of making someone believe a story is to keep it simple. Kyle is not my name, but it begins with a K.

“Imagine days at sea with only a gallon of water left and the sun beating down on your skin like a punishment from the gods. I was almost ready to give up. My mouth was as dry as sandpaper, and my energy was low from lack of nourishment. I thought I’d failed. My time was up, and I couldn’t carry on.” I pause for dramatic effect. “But then a magpie plucked a small ring box from the sea and dropped it right by my feet.”

“A magpie?” she asks with a frown.

I chuckle lightly. I easily become bored with spinning the same bullshit, so even though it’s risky, I like to test the limits. “You know those birds like shiny things,” I say in a condescending tone. Women seem to respond well to me being an asshole.

“Well yes. In England, I’ve seen many of them, but not here.” Her voice is wavering like she’s unsure of herself.

“Have you been out into the deep sea while in Haiti?” I ask, trying to sound interested.

Lara is at least five years younger than me and doesn’t seem like the fishing type. At twenty, I probably didn’t know the difference between a carp and a haddock either. Now, most of my diet consists of what I can catch on the end of a rod.

“I went to a party on a yacht.” Her little pouty lips smile like this is something that will impress. If only I could be so carefree. I can’t remember the last time I went out just to have fun.

“Aw, honey. You’re too precious to see the magpies.” She adjusts her position on my knee, and I’m close to losing my target. These women like my bad attitude, but maybe I’ve drifted too far with this one. “All I’m saying is, you have too many important things to do to look at boring animals. You’ve worked hard to get this holiday. You deserve a relaxing break.”

The tension in her shoulders evaporates. “Yes, you’re right. Carry on with your story.” She smiles again, satisfied with my answer.

“The ring box was made of silver, and that’s what attracted the bird. I dived into the sea to take a closer look. Sure enough, like a shiny beacon, there was a whole box of jewels. The days and nights I’d spent in the rough sea paid off when I took the treasure to the museum. They were so grateful for the donation and confirmed it was from the lost city of Atlantis.”

Rich people like old money. I always mention a charity so they think I’m one of them.

“I thought that was just a myth.”

I push my shaggy blonde hair out of my face. “Did you dream of unicorns and mermaids as a little girl?”


“What if I told you one of those two things is real?”

“Part of growing up is letting go of those fantasies.” She doesn’t look convinced.

“Only if you want to.”

The sparkle in her eyes says she’s imagining something she wants, and maybe I can give it to her. The illusion of a holiday romance with a rich entrepreneur is what most women want when they come to Haiti, and I don’t think my companion is any different.

“You have an interesting outlook on the world and an amazing job. Will you take me to the museum to see the treasure?”

There it is. She’s putty in my hands. Time is something I can’t offer. “Sorry, no. I can’t. We only have tonight. I’m going on a long expedition tomorrow.”

“Aw.” She pouts. “I don’t fly home to Essex for another week.”

“We’d better make the most of the time we have.” I take her glass of wine from her hand, placing it on the table before kissing her.

“Let’s go upstairs,” she says.

I give her a wicked smile and she falls straight into my trap. “Lead the way.”

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