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“He pulled a gun on them when they came to arrest him. I’m getting mixed messages on whether or not shots were fired. That will make a difference.”

“Is he ever coming home?”

She hadn’t meant to ask the question, but the words came out before she could stop them. Erica surprised her by reaching out and gently squeezing Allison’s hand.

“It’s okay,” she murmured. “Just breathe. We’ll get through this.” She turned to Raymond. “Tell me about your experience with cases like this.”

Raymond closed the tablet. “Every case is different.”

Erica narrowed her gaze. “Mr. Collins, that isn’t an answer. Are you qualified to handle Peter’s case or not? If we’re trusting you with the life and freedom of Allison’s husband, then the least you can do is give us honest and professional answers to our questions.”

He studied her for several seconds, then nodded. “I work exclusively with white-collar defendants. Peter’s charges are very common in my line of work. I know the DA and the games they play.”

“And the gun charge?”

He shrugged one shoulder. “Situations get heated. My clients tend to be men used to being in command. They don’t take kindly to being told what to do and they’re often feeling desperate. I’m not worried about the gun charge.”

“Then what are you worried about?”

“The money laundering. Even the wire fraud can be explained away. He was doing it for personal reasons, he was greedy, whatever. But with the money laundering, he’s part of a group and that’s never good.”

Allison listened carefully, trying to absorb every word. She didn’t understand half of what Raymond was saying but she knew Erica would explain it to her later.

“Any chance we can get the bail reduced?” Erica asked. “Peter’s hardly a flight risk. I doubt he’s been out of the country in the past five years. He has no assets, he has a wife and son whom he adores and there’s a baby on the way.”

Raymond’s gaze dropped to Allison’s huge belly. “I see that. I can talk to the judge. Like I said, the feds are annoyed at being kept waiting, so they’re not eager to make nice.”

“Perhaps you could charm them.”

Raymond offered her a slow smile. “I wouldn’t have thought you considered me capable of being charming.”

Nothing about Erica’s neutral I’m here for business expression changed. “I’m sure you can be if you choose.”

“I’ll see what I can do. No promises.”

Allison almost blurted out her due date, which was getting closer by the day. She wanted Peter home for the birth of their second child. She wanted him home before Jackson forgot his father. She wanted him home and their lives back to normal.

“Now about your retainer. Thirty thousand seems like a lot.”

“Peter’s case is going to take a lot of time. I bill at four hundred an hour. The money goes fast.”

Four hundred dollars an hour? Was that even legal? Did people really make that much? Erica seemed unfazed by the amount. She passed over a personal check and a business card.

Raymond looked between them. “Who will I be contacting with information?”

“Allison,” Erica said, while at the same time Allison said, “Erica.”

“Both of us,” Allison added, glancing at her friend. “It will make it easier when I ask questions.”

“Good point.”

Raymond pressed his lips together. “I have to run that by Peter. He’s my client, not either of you, although as his wife, Allison has the right to know what’s happening.”

“Ask him,” Erica said easily. “Once you explain I’m paying for your services, he won’t mind at all. I’m assuming you primarily communicate with her via email?”


“Allison will want to be regularly informed of every aspect of her husband’s case.”

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