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He shifted in his seat. “I’m a busy man, Erica. I prefer to share the highlights.”

“You have staff, Raymond. Use them. Allison is dealing with enough stress in her life right now. Leaving her uninformed is not an option.”

His gaze locked with hers. Allison thought she saw a flicker of respect before he said, “You’re the boss.”

“I’m not. She is, but I’m her advocate, so you’re going to have to deal with both of us.”

He glanced at her business card. “Twisted. That’s the hair place, right? That’s you?”

She eyed him coolly. “That’s me.”

He leaned back in his chair, his body language open. “So you checked me out before you came here.”

Erica rose, then helped Allison to stand. “No, but I did have you investigated. I have a friend who always knows a guy. You have a reputation for getting the job done. Some question your tactics, but you stay on the right side of the law. See that doesn’t change.”

Raymond scrambled to his feet. “You’re leaving?”

“We are. Please let us know as soon as you have something to share.” She nodded at the check on the table. “I’m assuming once that clears, you’ll have a lot more to tell us.”

“I should know something by the morning.”

“How convenient.”

Raymond followed them to the elevator. He managed to get between them and angled himself toward Erica.

“We should have lunch. I’ll call you.”

“No, you won’t.”

He flashed her a smile. “Come on. You’re interested.”

“No, I’m not.”

The elevator arrived. Erica followed Allison onto it, then faced Raymond. “We’ll expect that report first thing.”

His gaze lingered on her face. “You’ll have it. Then you’ll go to lunch with me.”


The doors closed.

Allison leaned against the wall, trying to make sense of what had just happened.

“You think he knows more than he’s telling us?” she asked, not bothering to keep the outrage from her voice. “Can he do that? Does he have some kind of duty to tell us the truth and stuff?”

“Once we’re his client, then yes. Right now, we’re just talking.”

They reached the parking garage and walked toward Erica’s SUV.

“I couldn’t have gotten through that meeting without you. I wouldn’t have known what to ask.” She climbed into the passenger seat. “I’m not sure I like him. Is that bad?”

“No, it’s smart. Killion says he’s a bit of a player, but he’s a good lawyer and he works hard for his clients. He’s not cheap, but the good ones never are.”

Allison wanted to ask how Erica and Killion knew so much, but suspected it had something to do with their places in the world. They were successful business owners, moving in circles she’d never been privy to.

“Raymond will do a good job,” Erica said as she backed out of the parking space. “We should have more information in the next couple of days. Once the feds get over their snit, things can move forward. I’m not sure how to solve the bail situation but I’m hoping Raymond can get some of your money unfrozen.”

She glanced at Allison, then turned her attention to the road. “You don’t need it while you’re living with me, but you’ll feel better knowing you have it.”

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