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Erica’s mid-sized SUV smelled of high-quality leather with a faint undertone of the perfume she sometimes wore. Allison perched uneasily on the passenger seat, aware of her too-tight blouse and worn maternity pants. Next to her, Erica was elegantly dressed in black pants, boots and a cashmere sweater. Her understated jewelry looked expensive. She drove with the same confidence she showed in everything. Allison truly felt like the country mouse she was and wished just once she could be the one who was capable and in command.

They’d already bought back her ring. The jeweler had tried to make her pay a five-hundred-dollar buy-back fee, but Erica had demanded to see that policy in writing on Allison’s receipt. Seconds later, the rings had been hers for exactly what she’d been paid the previous day.

“I didn’t make an appointment,” Allison said suddenly, thinking she should have called Raymond’s office first thing.

“I took care of that.” Erica smiled. “It’s amazing how available a lawyer can be when you’re bringing in a check.”

“Do you deal with lawyers a lot?”

“Every now and then. I have one on retainer for nuisance threats.” She glanced at Allison before returning her attention to the road. “Sometimes clients threaten to sue in order to get their service for free. Or they’ll talk trash on social media, hoping to get a payout to keep them quiet. That’s when it’s good to have someone around to write the sternly worded cease-and-desist letter.”

Nothing Allison knew about, she thought. She’d never owned a business. Peter and Erica were the first people she knew who did. Levi had wanted a good job, so he’d gone to trade school. Owning his own business had never occurred to him.

There was something about Erica, she thought. Not just the confidence and the drive, but a willingness to do the work. When there was a problem, she got right into it and solved it. She didn’t wait for someone else to figure it out. She depended on herself. Allison admired that and thought maybe she could be more like her.

She glanced at the other woman. Erica was the most self-sufficient person she knew, but she was also the most solitary. She didn’t seem to have friends she went out with. Summer never mentioned her mother’s friends. Except for Killion and the people who worked for her, the only social interactions she seemed to have were with Mara and Summer.

Not that Allison was one to judge. Her life was pretty much her immediate family and she’d always liked it that way. But lately, she had to admit a little more support would be nice. But first the lawyer.

“How does this work?” she asked. “Do we sign something?”

“Usually there’s an agreement. You’ll want to ask about his plan and how he bills. That sort of thing.”

Allison stared at her blankly. “Until I met Raymond Collins, I’d never talked to a lawyer. Would you mind asking the questions?”

Erica smiled. “I’m feeling a little feisty this morning, so I’d be happy to take him on for you.”

They arrived at the office and were shown right into a conference room. Erica ignored the view, instead walking over to the coffee station and studying the options.

“Did you want some herbal tea?”

“I’m fine.”

Erica used the Keurig to make herself a cup of coffee, then took her seat just as Raymond walked in.

“Allison,” he said, shaking her hand, but keeping his gaze on Erica. “Good to see you again.” He turned to Erica. “Raymond Collins.”

“Erica Sawyer. I’m a friend of Allison’s.”

“Here to offer her legal advice?” he asked, grinning at his own joke.

“Here to make sure she understands everything that’s happening.”

His gaze lingered. “It’s always good to have friends.”

They all sat down. Erica immediately took charge of the conversation.

“Tell us about the charges.”

Raymond glanced from Erica to Allison and back. “As I told Allison when we met earlier in the week, the authorities aren’t very happy with Peter right now. He wouldn’t cooperate while he had the court-appointed attorney. They feel he was wasting their time. Because of that, they’re being difficult now. Adding charges because they can.”

“Such as?” Erica asked.

He typed on the tablet he’d brought in with him. “Assaulting a police officer. Resisting arrest. Money laundering, wire fraud, racketeering.” He looked up. “There are more, but those are the basics.”

Allison felt all the blood rush from her head. She swayed in the seat. “They’re saying he assaulted a police officer? That can’t be right. Peter would never do that.”

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