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“I’ll look it up,” Allison said, grabbing the phone. “You do her makeup. She’s making a mess of it.”

Erica collapsed into the chair. Her mother washed her hands, then picked up the shadow brush.

“I assume we’re going for the super sexy, this-could-be-all-yours-sailor look.”

Erica shifted back in the chair. “Not the sailor part, but yes to the rest of it.”

“Black tie,” Allison said, reading from the phone. “The annual event, blah, blah, blah, six million raised last year, black tie event. Women in evening gowns.” She looked up. “Do you own any evening gowns?”



Allison disappeared into the closet. Seconds later she yelled, “Holy crap, you have a lot of clothes and they’re mostly black.”

“That’s the work side of the closet. Turn around.”

“Oh, jeez. You have dresses. Oooh, I love the red one. With your coloring, it’s perfect. Plus, he’ll see you coming.”

“Not that one. It’s really tight, so I can’t eat a week before I wear it.”

“You haven’t been eating,” her mother said, carefully applying false eyelashes. “It’ll fit just fine.” She chuckled. “We should call back the guy with the Bentley. After he drops off Summer and Donovan, he can come get you.”

“I’ll drive myself. The event is at a hotel. There’ll be valet parking.”

In less time than she would have thought, her mother was done. Mara rubbed some hair product on her hands and refreshed Erica’s spiky hairstyle. When she was done, Erica dug through her lingerie drawers, looking for the right shapewear and bra.

When she stepped into the red gown, she sucked in her breath, hoping it would slide up easily. Apparently her mother was right because it slipped over her body with no problem. Allison stepped behind her to pull up the zipper.

The dress was a simple silk, off-the-shoulder style that clung from breasts to hips before falling straight to the floor. It was dramatic and elegant, and while Erica knew she looked good, she couldn’t shake the growing sense of trepidation.

“I have no idea what I’ll say to him,” she said as she took a pair of diamond and ruby earrings out of her jewelry box.

“I miss you and I was wrong,” Allison offered. “Then suggest you go to his place and have—” she glanced at her son playing on the carpet “—s-e-x.”

“It’s a fundraiser. I’m not suggesting that.”

“As long as you leave a check, they’ll be fine.”

“You’re surprisingly cynical.”

“I’m being practical. Yay charity, but for me, this is about you and Killion.”

Erica had just finished transferring her car fob, wallet and cell phone to her small evening bag when her mother walked down the stairs, a small overnight bag in her hand.

“Just in case,” Mara said.

Erica took it, both excited and nervous. “This could all end badly.”

“Or it could end very well.”

Erica was still unsure about the plan and what she was supposed to tell Killion even as she handed over her key fob to the valet. She followed the signs to the grand ballroom. It was barely seven, so the cocktail party and silent auction would be going strong. Dinner wasn’t until seven thirty, which gave her enough time to find Killion and—

She came to a stop, horror sweeping through her. What if he was here with someone else? What if he was over her and on to the next conquest? What if he hadn’t meant it when he said he was in love with her? She could be about to make a huge fool of herself in public. Witnesses to her humiliation would make things worse. Better to head home and reach out to him another time. Or not at all. While she missed him, she would eventually be fine. Wasn’t it easier to simply not take the chance?

She turned and started for her car only to stop a few steps later. Indecision gripped her. The fear was strong, but so was the need to see him. She honestly didn’t know what to do.

Trust him and trust yourself to be strong enough to handle whatever happens.

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