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Could she do that? Be that brave? Did she have a choice?

“Dammit, I’m not going to regret letting him go for the rest of my life,” she muttered, turning and walking purposefully toward the ballroom. Maybe this would all end badly but she was going to make the effort. She’d spent her whole life going after what she wanted—that was who she was and it was time she started acting like it.

She easily found the crowd of well-dressed donors. She circled the check-in area, joined a group of women coming out of the restroom and walked in with them. In her dress, with her obviously expensive beaded clutch, she fit right in. Once she was past the check-in area, she stepped away from them and began her search.

Fifteen minutes later, she wanted to shriek in frustration. There had to be seven hundred people there, half men dressed in black tuxedos. Finding one man who may or may not be with someone else was nearly impossible. Once everyone started in for dinner, she would be stuck with nowhere to sit. It wasn’t as if she wanted to spend the evening walking around the dozens of tables, hoping to spot him.

“Hello, Erica.”

She spun and found Killion standing next to her. Relief was quickly followed by a need to throw herself at him. He looked so good—handsome, as always—but also steady and possibly a little bit happy to see her.

“I’ve been looking for you,” she told him.

“Here I am.” He offered her a slight smile. “I wasn’t expecting to see you tonight.”

“I know. Coming here was a last-minute decision.” She glanced around then returned her attention to him. “Are you with someone?”

The smile widened. “No.”

“Why is that funny?”

“Less than a month ago I told you I was in love with you. Why would I bring a date to something like this so soon after that?”

“People don’t want to come by themselves. Or maybe you’re over me. I can’t read your mind.”

“You’re getting defensive, which means you’re nervous.” He took her hand and drew her toward a quiet alcove. “Erica, why are you here?”

She glanced at the carpeted floor, then back at him. “You sent the Bentley. For Summer. I never thought you’d even remember that, let alone do it.”

“You know I didn’t make the arrangements.”

She waved that comment away. “Yes, yes, it was Napoleon. I know, but that’s not the point. You remembered.”

“I keep my word.”

She looked into his green eyes and saw affection. No, she thought, knowing she had to be honest. Love. She saw love there and while it still terrified her, it was also very nice to see.

“You scare me,” she admitted.

“I know.”

“I don’t like that.”

“You’ve made that very clear.”

She drew in a breath. “But it’s also possible I’m in love with you.”

“When will you know for sure?”

She tried to laugh, then nearly started to cry. Too many emotions churned inside of her.

“When Allison was having Bethany, she was missing Peter and was scared because the baby was a little early and she said she wasn’t strong enough to deal with everything. She said Peter broke her.”

“Did he?”

“No. She’s really strong and I got in her face and told her that. I said whatever happened, I would be there. I never thought he broke her, but I do think he broke me.”

Killion watched her as she spoke. “He shattered your confidence, Erica. He made you doubt who and what you are. But then you picked yourself up and took care of whatever crap there was to deal with. You raised your daughter, grew your business and thrived. Proof no one can break you. Be proud of that.”

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