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The man nodded. “I’ll take care of you.”

Killion had sent the car. He’d remembered and then he’d had Napoleon make arrangements. Because he’d given his word? Because that was simply who he was? Or was he sending her a message? She honestly had no idea.

Summer hurried inside for her coat and clutch. She hugged Erica and Allison, then followed the driver to the car and, when he’d opened the door for her, slid onto the back seat.

“She’s going to have the best time,” Allison said as they watched her drive away.

“I hope so.”

They went inside. Allison set Bethany down.

“You should call and thank him.”

“I’m not doing that. Summer can text him a thank-you tomorrow.”

“Why don’t you want to call?”

Erica exhaled. “It would be awkward and confusing and I wouldn’t know what to say. Besides, I don’t want to talk to him.”

“I hate it when you lie to me.”

“Fine. I don’t want to talk to him very much.”

“Still lying. Call him. Call him!”

She found herself tempted. Hearing his voice would be nice. No, better than nice. She missed him so much more than she’d thought. The longer they were apart, the more she felt like a piece of her life was missing. They’d been good together. If she called...

She pulled her phone out of her pocket.

“You’re going to do it? I can’t believe it.” Allison practically danced in place. “You never listen to me. This is exciting.”

“I’m not calling him.” She opened her calendar. “He’s not home. There’s a charity event tonight.” Her voice turned wistful. “I was supposed to go with him.”

“That’s even better.” Allison gave her a little push toward the stairs. “You should go to the event. Put on something sexy and go talk to him.”

Erica stepped out of reach. “I’m not crashing a fundraiser for children with cancer.”

“Give them some money. They won’t mind. It’s not like you’re going to steal a meal. You just go in and find him and thank him for the car. Easy peasy.”

“Are you out of your mind? Nothing about that is normal behavior. He’ll think I’m stalking him. It’s creepy.”

“He’ll think that maybe you’re regretting your actions and you’d like a second chance.” Allison’s stare turned pointed. “Because you would.”


“You’re in love with him. We can all see it. You’re moping around like a teenager after her first breakup. Killion is great. You married the wrong man the first time. Why not get it right the second time?” She pointed to the stairs. “Go. Go now. Get dressed and go to the fundraiser.”

The idea was ridiculous, Erica thought. She wasn’t going. Crashing a charity event simply wasn’t done. She would wait and maybe call him in the morning. Or next week. Either way she would make sure Summer texted a thank-you. And maybe that was enough.

“Stop thinking!” Allison put her hands on her hips. “Stop talking yourself out of it. Erica, I swear you’re the most amazing person I know but when it comes to Killion, you’re a moron.” She paused. “No, you’re scared. Terrified maybe. But he’s worth it. I know he is. Trust him and trust yourself to be strong enough to handle it. And get your bony ass upstairs and get dressed for the party!”

Erica had a whole lot she wanted to say, but somehow instead of speaking, she found herself rushing upstairs. Allison called for Mara, grabbed Bethany and hurried after her.

Once again everyone—minus Summer—crowded into her bathroom.

“I don’t know what to wear,” she said as she tried to apply eye shadow, only her hands were shaking too much. “I can’t remember how formal it is.”

“Tell me the name,” Mara said, whipping out her phone. “I’ll look it up.”

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