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“I’m the last stop so not for a while. We’re going out to dinner, then to prom.”

Donovan and two others had gone in together to rent a limo to take them to and from prom.

“I want you to keep in touch if there’s a change in plan.”

Summer shook her head. “Mom, I’m not going to any party after. Donovan and I already talked about it. I know him way more than I know his friends. If there is a party, they’ll drop me off first.” She held up her hand. “But I promise, if they push back on that, I’ll call you to come get me.”

“I’ll be sitting here, my car keys in hand.”

“I really hope that isn’t how you spend your evening.”

They went back into the bathroom, where Allison and Mara wept over how beautiful Summer was, then everyone, including the kids, went downstairs for pictures.

There was an intense discussion about where to take the photos. The curve of the staircase won and Summer dutifully posed. They were nearly done when someone rang the front doorbell.

“It can’t be Donovan,” Summer said. “It’s too early.”

Erica looked at Allison, who shrugged.

“I’m not expecting anyone,” she said.

Erica opened the door and found a man in a dark suit on the doorstep. “Can I help you?”

“Yes. I’m here to take Summer Jenkins and her young man to their prom.”

Erica looked at her daughter. “I thought you said they were picking you up last.”

Summer stepped outside and gasped. “Mom, this isn’t Donovan’s car.”

Erica followed her and saw a gleaming black Bentley parked in the driveway.

“But how...”

How could this be? Yes, Killion had told Summer he would provide her with a Bentley for prom, but that was before they’d broken up. Except they hadn’t broken up—she’d dumped him, and he’d still arranged for the car.

Mara joined them. “What’s all the fuss? Oh, my. Look at that.” She glanced at Erica. “Killion sent the car?”

“He must have. I never thought he would. I mean why would he bother? We’re not together.”

“He kept his word.”

Summer clutched her arm. “It’s a sign, Mom. A really big one. Look how much he cares. He didn’t want to let me down so he did this and I’m not even the one he’s in love with.”

“It’s not a sign.”

Allison came out, the carrier in one hand and Jackson clinging to the other. “What am I missing?” Her breath caught. “Is that what I think it is?”

“A sign,” Summer said.

“Or just a man who keeps his word.” Mara patted her arm. “My daughter, the fool.” She picked up Jackson. “I’d like to play a game. Would you like that, too?”


They went inside. The driver hovered nearby.

“Shall I be taking Miss Summer and her young man to prom?”

“Of course you will.” Summer laughed as she started texting. “I’m letting Donovan know I’m coming over in a ride he won’t ever forget.” She sent the text, then grinned at Erica. “Now you don’t have to worry about me getting home if there’s a party. I have my own wheels and very responsible driver.”

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