Page 117 of Mister Gregory

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I have to let him go.

"I'll go," I whisper, pressing my face into his throat and breathing him in. I want to hold him in my lungs so when I'm no longer pressed up against him, he's still with me. He won't have a chance to stop breathing because I'll be breathing for him. Until he's in my arms again, my air is his.

He tips my face up to his and touches his forehead to mine. "I love you."

"I love you too," I whisper against his lips.

We stay there, just like that, until a sharp knock sounds on the door to my room.

I jump at the sound and cower into his broad chest.

The door swings open, and a guy I don't know walks in. He's not as big as Roman but appears every bit as dangerous. His body is just as hard, just as solid. He moves quietly but with purpose, as he steps into the room. Roman reminds me of a big, wild animal, and so does this man. Except if Roman is a deadly bear, this man is a panther. With ebony skin, crew-cut hair, and deep brown eyes, he's just as beautiful as Roman, dark to his light. His nose is crooked like it's been broken recently.

He stops in the doorway and looks between the two of us, not speaking.

"It's okay," Roman murmurs to me, pulling us both to our feet. He slides his arm around my waist, keeping me tucked into his side as he stares at the man in the doorway. His body is tense, but I don't think he's angry. I think he's nervous…uncertain.

The man in the doorway seems to feel exactly the same way. For long moments, they don't speak at all. They just look at each other, but a thousand words seem to flow between them, exchanged without a sound passing their lips.

Eventually, Roman exhales a soft sound, the tension draining from his body. He tugs me along with him, closing the distance between us and the man still standing in the doorway.

"Mila, I want you to meet Brady Kaplan, my partner," he says when we're standing right in front of him.

"Hi," I whisper, holding out my hand to him. "It's nice to finally meet you."

"You too, doll," he says. I immediately love his voice—rich and smooth like velvet. He tilts his head down to me and smiles, something like relief sliding through his eyes. He takes my hand and shakes it, his grip firm before he releases me again. "I've heard a lot about you, Mila."

"It's good to see you, brother," Roman says, letting me go long enough to hug Brady in the way guys do, shoulder to shoulder. Their foreheads touch briefly and another of those silent conversations flow between them before they step back at the same time.

I don't know exactly what they're communicating, but I have a feeling it's deep and powerful and maybe a little bit healing for both of them. They haven't seen each other since Roman had to kill the man who held a gun to Brady's son's head. He was angry at Brady for a long time, but I know he's missed him…and I think Brady has missed him, too.

After a moment, Roman pulls me back into his side. I lean my head against his chest, and his lips touch my crown. I let my eyes flutter closed and stay there, just like that, as he and Brady talk quietly. I try to listen, but none of it really makes sense to me. I'm unsure if I'm just that tired or if they're talking in some cop-speak I simply don't understand.

Eventually, I stop trying to figure it out and just let Roman hold me.

"Mila," he whispers a few minutes later.

I jump, my eyes flying open. We're no longer standing by the door, and I'm not even on my feet. I'm on the bed with Roman wrapped around me again. Brady isn't in the room, but Livingston has returned to his post.

"I think I fell asleep," I mumble.

Roman runs his fingertips down my cheek and smiles softly. "You've been out for about an hour. They're discharging you."

I pull in a shaky breath, fighting the urge to cry at the news. My heart thumps against my ribcage, regret twisting through me. I didn't want to miss a minute of our time together. Instead, I slept right through it.

"I'm starting my future with you when this is over, Mila," he whispers to me, still smiling down at me. His hazel eyes practically glow with sincerity, those gold flecks brighter than ever.

"Promise?" I breathe, my gaze dropping to his mouth. My tongue swipes along my bottom lip like always…like I can already taste him on me.


"Kiss me, Roman."

His lips touch mine, soft and sweet, before he groans and deepens the kiss. His hand slides into my hair, tilting my head. He kisses me like we're alone, devouring my mouth like he can't get deep enough or kiss me hard enough. His tongue dances with mine until desire pumps through me with every beat of my heart, and I've wrapped myself around him.

Officer Livingston clears his throat, and Roman slows the kiss before breaking away. He rests his forehead against mine for a moment and then turns toward Livingston. I bury my face in Roman's throat, squeezing my eyes closed.

"They're here for her," Livingston says quietly.

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