Page 9 of Moose

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“Don’t be. You’re right. I don’t know how to defend myself against a man your size or even my size. But I’m not completely sheltered. I watched my father nearly beat my mother to death almost every day of my life. I’m surprised she was able to feed herself after what he did to her. I noticed the last few years she was alive, she struggled with her memory. I would ask her questions about my childhood, and she would say that she didn’t remember. I know it was because of his beatings.”

“I’m real sorry,” said Moose. “I didn’t mean anything by it other than I’m worried for you and Jennifer.” She reached up, touching her daughter’s cheek as the little girl cuddled into Moose’s neck. Jennifer smiled at her.

“I know. I’m thankful for all of you, but I can’t hide here forever. This is your home. Your place of business.”

“You have nowhere to go, Erica,” said Luke. “We’ve told you that you’re welcome to stay here. Hell, I mean, heck, I know that Bull, Amanda, and Mia want to record with you. Take some time and think about it. Okay?”

She nodded, then turned to leave the room.

“Would you like me to take her now?” she asked Moose.

“Uh, well. No. I mean, if it’s okay with you, we were going out to the kennels to visit the dogs.”

“That’s fine,” she smiled. “I’ll get my practice time in. I’ll see you two at lunch.”

They watched as Erica left the room, and Moose had a painful expression on his face. He looked at them, then shook his head.

“It’s alright to have feelings for her, Moose,” said Cam.

“No. No, it’s not alright. I’ve been trampled enough by women, and she’s been trampled by men. I doubt that makes a match made in heaven. I’m happy to protect them both and especially happy to carry this little charmer around,” he laughed, kissing the little girl. “But that’s where it all stops. Please don’t play matchmaker with me.”

“If you say so,” smirked Eric.

“Don’t make me put the child down,” growled Moose. Eric just laughed, shaking his head at Moose as he left the room.

They were quiet for a long time, watching out the windows and looking down the hallway, following the two misdirected souls.

“This is about the time that Grandma usually shows up,” said Luke. “I’m really starting to worry now.”

“She’ll be here when it’s time,” said Cam. “I hope.”

Erica saw Moose and Jennifer laughing as they walked down the path toward the animal sanctuary. He lifted her in the air, twirling her like an airplane, and she squealed, waving her arms.

It was amazing to see her so open with her expressions, so happy despite her sad beginning to life. She’d tried to make it normal, tried to give her an American upbringing, but even she wasn’t sure how to do that.

Erica had tried to be both mother and father, but she knew that she missed the mark on many occasions. Not able to concentrate on her cello practice, she left the cottage and jogged toward the two.

“Hi,” she said, catching up.

“Hi,” he smiled. “I thought you had practice.”

“I did. I mean, I do, but you two looked like you were having so much fun I wanted to join in. Is that okay?”

“More than okay,” smiled Moose. “Should I put her down and fly you around like an airplane.”

“No,” laughed Erica, shaking her head. “I think I can live without that experience.”

“You need to do that more,” he smiled.

“What’s that?”

“Laugh. It’s beautiful. Melodic, like your cello,” he grinned.

“Thank you,” she nodded, the smile fading somewhat. “I don’t think I’ve smiled more or laughed more since I’ve come here. I was happy with just my mother, but we always seemed to be cautious. I could see the fear on her face when we laughed too loud or tried to do something fun away from the house. It was as if she didn’t want to be caught enjoying herself.

“I remember we would be having fun, riding the cable car or visiting the pier to see the sea lions, and we would laugh. Then suddenly, she would get quiet, looking around her. It was as if we couldn’t be seen or heard.”

“I’m sure she did what she thought was right,” said Moose. “You don’t have to worry about that now. You can laugh or cry or smile as much as you want.” They continued to walk the paths, both quiet, nervous.

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