Page 8 of Moose

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“Listen,” he said, standing with Jennifer in his arms. He towered above the little woman. At nearly six-feet-seven, he was a moose. Literally. And Erica was about as small as a woman could possibly be. For a brief flash, he tried to picture her pushing out another human being from her body. Shaking off those thoughts, he cleared his throat.

“You can stay here as long as you want. I won’t hurt you or Jennifer. My breakup wasn’t exactly mutual, so if I’m shi--, uh, crappy company, forgive me.”

“This is your home. You’re allowed to be crappy company. But are you sure? She can get very loud when she wants something,” said Erica.

“Good for her. She’s learning to use her voice early. I like that. I like a girl who stands up for herself.” Erica frowned, then looked down at her feet. She hadn’t stood up for herself at all. “Hey. Circumstances are different for everyone. You’ve done the right thing by being here. Besides, I learned a little while ago that your troubles are over.”

He grabbed the television changer and turned the TV on. The news was blasting photos and video of what was happening in North Korea, announcing the death of their alleged president, General Park.

Moose watched Erica as the breath left her body in a huge gust of relief. She nodded, then looked up at him, smiling.

“Can you hold her while I shower?”

“All day, every day,” he said, staring down at the huge almond eyes. “My arms are made for holding sleeping beauties.” He watched as Erica went back down the hallway, closing the door to his bedroom. Her bedroom. Jennifer patted his cheek, feeling the rough whiskers of his beard.

“Well, kiddo, I guess we’re about to embark on an adventure.”


“Anyone want to guess at what the fuck is happening out on Belle Île?” asked Cam.

“Nope,” said Luke. “I don’t want to know. The ghosts are where they’re supposed to be, and that’s all I care about. Looks like we’ll have a few extras for the foreseeable future, but they’re all good ghosts, so I’m cool. Dad said to keep everyone on this side of the island for a while, that the seniors had some things to work through.”

“I hope everything is okay,” said Eric.

“I’m sure it’s fine. They’ll tell us if we need to know,” said Luke.

“Did you know that all the seniors moved out to the island?” said Hex. The three men turned to stare at him. “Just in the last forty-eight hours. All of them. Sly and Suzette, Alec and Lissa, Tailor and Lena, Wilson and Sara, all of ‘em.”

“Now I’m fucking curious,” frowned Luke. He shook his head, vowing not to ask the questions he didn’t want the answers to. “They’ll tell us when it’s time.”

“Good morning,” said Moose, ducking his head as he entered the conference room. He was still carrying Jennifer, not wanting to put her down.

“Well, I see you met your new roommate,” laughed Cam, reaching for the little girl’s soft, chubby fingers.

“Best damn roommate I’ve ever had, and she doesn’t snore,” he smiled, kissing her neck as she giggled.

“Her mother said she’s never laughed more than since she arrived here. That makes me sad, happy, and fucking angry all at the same time,” said Eric.

“Watch your language,” growled Moose. Eric nodded, smirking at the man. “I was just wondering if you could fill me in on what happened to her and her family.”

“Take a seat, brother,” said Luke.

For the next thirty minutes, they gave Moose all the information they had on Erica and Jennifer and, more importantly, on her dead parents.

“What about the two men that were asking about her in New Orleans? Did we find them?” he asked.

“No. We have to assume they would have no reason to stay since the father is dead now. I’m sure they’ve left.”

“No offense, Luke, but I’d like to be certain that they left. That’s a tiny little woman with but one skill, the cello.”

“That’s pretty shallow,” frowned Cam.

“I didn’t mean it like that. I meant, there’s no way she could defend herself and Jennifer if someone came for her.”

“I’m tougher than I look,” said the small voice behind him. Moose closed his eyes, steeling himself for the daggers surely shooting his way.

“I’m sorry, Erica.”

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