Page 10 of Moose

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“Are your parents alive?” she asked.

“No. My mom died when I was in middle school. My father died a few years ago while I was still in the Navy. I’m glad he didn’t see the end of my first marriage and the fail of my engagement.”

“From what I was told, neither was your fault.” Moose stared at her, and she shrugged. “Irene and Claudette seem to know everything here, and apparently, they thought it would be wise to tell me about you. If I had married a man like you, with your morals, I would have been anxiously awaiting your return every time you deployed.”

“But you did marry a SEAL,” said Moose.

“No. I pretended to marry a SEAL, and he was not like you. Not at all. Everything he did was self-serving and leading to his prosperity.”

“Thank you for that,” he grinned. “At least I’m not in the same fish tank as your ex-husband.”

“No. You are not. And please don’t put me in the same fish tank as your exes.” Moose stared at her, then nodded.

“I’ll do my best.”

“I’m not sure what to do next,” she said quietly, looking serious for a moment. “I have options for the first time in my life. Good options for my daughter and me.”

“What do you want to do?” he asked.

“Play my cello. Make beautiful music. Raise my daughter to be strong, confident, and resilient.”

“Sounds like you could do all that here, and you’d have a huge group of people to help you,” he said. Jennifer kicked her little legs, seeing the big dogs running toward her. “Hold on, hold on, little bit.”

Moose set her down, watching as her chubby little legs ran toward Beast, Monster, Zeus, and Daisy VI. Erica started to stop her, worried the dogs would bowl her over, but they all halted right in front of her, kissing her face as she giggled, clutching their fur.

She toddled down the path, and the dogs formed a sentry around her, ensuring that even if she fell, it would be against one of them.

“Those are the most remarkable creatures I’ve ever seen,” said Erica. Moose nodded, then lifted Erica into the air, holding her waist.

“Come on. The airplane is taking off!” She laughed out loud, giggling as he wiggled his fingers against her midsection.

“Moose! Moose, stop!” she laughed.

“Put your arms out and fly, Erica! Fly!”

To his surprise, she stretched her arms out and laughed, Jennifer clapping her chubby hands for her mother. Moose gently set her on her feet, both of them laughing as she got her footing, leaning against him. One tiny hand was flat against his chest, her head barely to his pecs.

Erica felt her laugh fading away, then smiled up at the big man as he smiled down on her. She nodded.

“Thank you, Moose. Thank you for making me feel as though I could truly fly.” He watched as she walked toward her daughter, taking her hand as they continued toward the kennels.

“Me too, honey. Me too.”


They spent nearly two hours at the kennels watching the animals and their keepers. Erica was fascinated by Semu, learning that she loved the sound of her cello. She promised to come back and perform for just the animals.

When they walked back toward the cafeteria for lunch, Moose was still carrying Jennifer, almost afraid to put her down. He couldn’t fathom the idea of not having the little girl in his arms. This was what he’d craved. Family. A family of his own. But Erica and Jennifer were not his.

Neither said a word, only occasionally smiling at one another. Jennifer let out a big yawn, and Erica laughed.

“I think she’s had enough flying for today,” she grinned. “I’ll take her back and feed her, then put her down.”

“Alright,” said Moose, reluctantly handing her over. “Do you need help?”

“No,” she smiled. “I’ve got it.”

He watched as the two females staying in his home walked away. This was new territory for Moose. Women in his home that didn’t belong to him. They weren’t in his life in the way others had been. And so far, Erica had asked for nothing from him. Nothing.

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