Page 11 of Moose

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But it wasn’t lost on him that he was more than ten years her senior. Even if they developed a relationship, he wanted more children. She’d never once mentioned that she wanted more. In fact, she’d said that she was ‘forced’ to have Jennifer. Did that mean she didn’t want her?

It was obvious she loved her now, but if she didn’t want more children, he would struggle with that.

“Stop it, you idiot,” he whispered to himself. “You’re getting ahead of yourself again. What does it matter if she does or doesn’t want children?”

“It might matter to you,” said Matthew. Moose jumped, then turned to see the older man behind him.

“Hello, Matthew. I thought you all were out on the island, sequestered,” he grinned. Matthew laughed, shaking his head.

“You’ll discover that I’m in many places sometimes, Moose. Now, why don’t you tell me why you’re so reluctant to allow your feelings to develop for that young woman.”

Moose walked slowly along the path, shaking his head. He wasn’t even sure he could articulate what was going through his mind.

“I haven’t been the luckiest with the female population. I’ve had some pretty awful experiences with women, Matthew.”

“With that woman?” asked Matthew.

“What? No. I mean, I just met her this week. No. My ex-wife, my ex-fiancé, more than I care to count during school and service.”

“But not that woman,” repeated Matthew.

“No, sir. Not that woman.” Matthew pointed to the stone bench, and Moose took his seat, knowing he wouldn’t be able to argue with the man.

“Listen to me, son. Women are like snowflakes. They all look the same coming at you, but when you take the time to examine them, get to know them, they’re all very, very different. No two alike.” Moose grinned at him, nodding. “Now, there’s no doubt you’ve had some flawed ones.”

“Flawed? That’s a nice way of putting it, Matthew.”

“Well, I’m trying to be nice. What I’m trying to say is that you should get to know her. Just her. Have someone watch the baby and take her on a boat ride or a picnic. It doesn’t have to be everything all at once. Take your time, Moose.”

“Why do I feel as if I don’t have a lot of time?” he asked quietly.

“It often feels that way when a man realizes that he’s met the one that’s right for him. Time is precious and seems to move at the speed of sound. Fears and doubts start to creep in. What if she meets someone else before I make her mine? What if I find out she doesn’t like me the way I like her? What if she’s not the woman I thought? We try to rush the relationship and that’s the worst thing that can happen. Let it happen. Organically.”

“But this is crazy. I just ended a relationship with a woman I couldn’t trust. I can’t just move right into another.”

“You ended the relationship,” said Matthew. “Because you couldn’t trust her. Finding a woman that you can trust, that you can build something with, is critical to a man’s sanity.”

Matthew just sat there a while with Moose, both men not saying anything. When Erica and Jennifer appeared beside him with their bags in hand, Moose thought he would be sick.

“Mr. Matthew, could you please take me to the café? I have a taxi coming for me.”

“Wait, what?” asked Moose, leaping to his feet. Matthew stood, nodding at her, taking her bags.

“Are you sure you want to do this?” he asked. She had tears in her eyes, then looked away, nodding. Moose took a step forward as Matthew loaded the bags into an ATV.

“Why are you leaving?” he asked, looking down at the small woman holding the baby. His heart was cracking in two, and he didn’t even know why.

“I’m safe now. I can leave, and I’m not sure you want to have a woman and a baby in your home for the rest of your life. Things could get complicated for you.”

Moose swallowed, ready to blurt everything out of his head and toward her beautiful mouth, but he just couldn’t do it. He’d been burned so many times before. Why would this be any different?

She ducked inside the ATV as Matthew closed her door. Looking out the window, she smiled up at him with tears in her eyes.

“I’ll never be able to thank you enough, Moose. I will remember you always.” Others stopped around them, staring at the horrible scene taking place.

As Matthew pulled away, he could hear Jennifer crying, waving her little chubby hands at him. But when he heard what she was crying, he crumbled to the earth.


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